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I just got back from getting my 2 tatoo. I have a 12point whitetail buck on my right arm. Now i just got my wifes name on the inside of my right biecep. She got my name on her back 3 years ago and has been on me to ever since. Well hope she likes her X-mas present. Does anyone eles have any. If so post up some pics I think there cool and i plan on getting more. :thumbs:

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i have a cuff of flames from my right wrist to my elbow. its not done, no pics yet. they're kinda hotrod/Dave Perewitz style.


i got a self drawn taurus symbol on the inside of my right forearm that is now surrounded by the flames mentioned above. not the car but my sign.


on my right bicep, i have a diamond plate maltese cross with a skull and fire. i got several more in my head. just a matter of doing them.

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Sweet. I have a ton of stuff in my head planning on doing a half sleeve one of these days.


everyone says its addictive but you don't understand until you get one. then the ideas start flying and you see what you got and all the empty space that you can fill. it is addictive, but also not cheap.

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Very addictive I have became friends with an artist here so all my stuff is free :D I have a tribal half sleeve to my elbow which wraps to my back acroos the shoulders and 3/4's down my back. My left arm is an arm band and initials but I am in the works with my tattoo artist to do another half sleeve in a Paul Boothe style. Tattoo people will know who I am talking about. Cant wait. No pics yet of my new stuff waiting till I get my other sleeve done.

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Very addictive :smash: I've got one on each arm, one on left calf, and one on right ankle. I want to get one on my upper forearm(over a scar), but I haven't decided yet. If I ever decide to try a new job they may look down on body art :tear:

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