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So what do we all want for X-mas?


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Since I just had my daughter, I really didn't want anything for X-mas. All I wanted was a healthy babygirl and for her and my wife to be home before Thanksgiving and that's what I got. :thumbs:


Of course my wife asked me what I wanted and I just asked her to help me pay for the paint on my cowl hood and she did, so I already got my gift. I'm sure she has other things in store. She always thinks she can surprise me. :nono:


Anyways, so what do all the other fellow SS'ers want from old Saint Nick?

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well all i asked for was money for my truck. asked for a volant cai. hope i get it but i like giving more then reciving. i bought my mom and sister the new "journey" line neklace, got my sister white gold and my mom yellow gold. hope they like it becuase ,the truck took a lose in the financial dept. and is going to have to wit a lil before it sees any more mods...

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I would like to get my radix installed for Christmas but with my budy out of town looks like I'll have to wait. Would be on already if Outlaw didn't have a problem getting my CAI for the radix shipped sooner :banghead: I told the wife I don't want anything but she picked up a few items for me. I've got to finish my Christmas shopping this weekend. Wife already knows she got a "day at the spa" package because the stupid MF's sent the gift certificate to me with their spa name all over the letter :banghead: . I told them it was a gift for the wife for Christmas so you would think they would send it in a plain envelope so she wouldn't notice it. :mad: Oh well at elast she was really surprised when she saw it.

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I am very very hard to shop for, for two reasons. One I buy everything I want/need. Two everything I would want or need it too much to ask for. I usually end up with a few gift cards or dinner, that is totally cool with me.


On the other hand I like to give so this year everyone got what they wanted or asked for. The list was Parents storm rated doorf for their house(florida) Sister 1 got a 8 megapix camera, and Sister 2 got a 21" flat screen for her computer.

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I would like my truck to be in the UK so i could collect it from the docks, but it's probably not going toarrive or be ready to collect until the new year... still it's worth waiting for and at least i have driven it, roll on 2007 i want my truck....

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well back in september i was going to get the pacesetter long tubes, but my parents told me to hold off and insted they are getting me the dynatech system.... plus some spending money for my yearly snowboarding trip up to stowe vt....

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I am very very hard to shop for, for two reasons. One I buy everything I want/need. Two everything I would want or need it too much to ask for. I usually end up with a few gift cards or dinner, that is totally cool with me.







thats exactly how i am too, im hoping to just get my truck running again , its been on jack stands for almost a month( not broke just being upgraded) so to drive it on christmas would be great. i also bought my self some christmas gifts already ( new blower and a set of drag radials), so thats all i need. i still have to go get gifts today(im a procrastinator)


new socks i love the feel of new socks.....and maybe a little cash.



thats one of my favs too , nothing like new socks.

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thats exactly how i am too, im hoping to just get my truck running again , its been on jack stands for almost a month( not broke just being upgraded) so to drive it on christmas would be great. i also bought my self some christmas gifts already ( new blower and a set of drag radials), so thats all i need. i still have to go get gifts today(im a procrastinator)



You think you procrastinate. I'm hoping to finish my shopping tomorrow :banghead:

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