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sorry i thought we where talking about mig some how, anyways, i apologize for my rudeness. But yes many places will test you once they hire you its just the way it goes. I had to get certified in pipe for doing gas lines and they wanted that shit down hill, Why i don not know but they will not let you run that up hill. The lincoln welder we have at out shop is a ranger not sure on the number but it has a pipe down hill select knob i dont know what the hell it does but man does it work nice. Me personallly im kind of a miller welder person because thats what I leanred on and I have yet to have any problems with mine. I do not use it all that often it just sits in my garage. most welding i do is at work and thats about it. Also if you are going to weld invest in a GOOD helmet. I like my miller helemt i have i am not sure on the modle ive had it for about a year now its jsut plain one but it has the wide view lense on it. Deff. worth the $$

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sorry i thought we where talking about mig some how, anyways, i apologize for my rudeness.  But yes many places will test you once they hire you its just the way it goes.  I had to get certified in pipe for doing gas lines and they wanted that shit down hill, Why i don not know but they will not let you run that up hill.  The lincoln welder we have at out shop is a ranger not sure on the number but it has a pipe down hill select knob i dont know what the hell it does but man does it work nice.  Me personallly im kind of a miller welder person because thats what I leanred on and I have yet to have any problems with mine.  I do not use it all that often it just sits in my garage. most welding i do is at work and thats about it.  Also if you are going to weld invest in a GOOD helmet.  I like my miller helemt i have i am not sure on the modle ive had it for about a year now its jsut plain one but it has the wide view lense on it. Deff. worth the $$


you have my curiosity up. What exactly where you running down hill P5 or hard wire maybe? I have stringered pipe with that downhill but I can not imaigne why they would insist on filling and capping downhill. Even with wire, flux core, spray arc or whatever when it came to a position weld it was always up hill. I only ran things down hill on stuff that is no tcriticle i.e name plates I would normally hard wire or run 7018 straight down hill on stuff like that due to thickness of material and limited ability to get it in a flat position.

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what i meant is you use a 6010 rod for root in down hill on pipe and then you do 6010s's all the way out and cap them with a 7018. all the schools i know of tell me 6010 foor root then 7018, thas bullshit 6010 will work just fine too. Me personally, i like 6010 rods better than 7018's

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Like said before every welder welds different and has their bad habits. The only way to truely learn to weld is by being behind the hood and running beads. As far as the best process or the best wire or the best brand of machine, that is all in what works for you and what you end up liking the best.

BROBRADH77 gave the best advice:

1) Breath while you weld. At first this is very hard.

2) Weld w/ you wrist not your arm.

I have spent about 9 months out of 4 years in the Weld School and the Welding Lab(working for our engineers) and have learned many different processes and learned how to join different metals together. Second to the space program NAVSEA has the toughest NDT (non-destuctive testing) i.e. vt, mt, pt, rt, & et. I work w/ some of the best welders in the country and still have so much more to learn myself to truely become good at welding. Anyone can weld a "fence" but only practice will make you good.

PS DO NOT weld around your pets (dogs). One day you will see them walking into wall (they are very intriqued be the light from the arc and stare at it)

Edited by JF-03-SS (see edit history)
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what i meant is you use a 6010 rod for root in down hill on pipe and then you do 6010s's all the way out and cap them with a 7018. all the schools i know of tell me 6010 foor root then 7018, thas bullshit 6010 will work just fine too. Me personally, i like 6010 rods better than 7018's


Ok that makes sense but I think I mentioned this earlier 6010,6011 are considerd illegal in code shops now. If caught running one you could get your stamp pulled and the shop could get heavily fined and loose its code status. Yes I will admitt we do have secret stash hidden in the shop that is only run by the night shift if there is a 100% penetration requirment on a baffle or something and mig isnt practicle. These have to be run at night because any one with any knowledge of welding can distinguish 7018 from 6011 just by looking at the arc color.

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I stringer with 1/8" to 5/32" 5-P fill with 6010 and cap usually with 3/32" 7018 or 7024, always uphill on the cap.

Always use a blind (welders curtain) wear 100% cotton shirt with leathers or at least nomex sleeves and my plain jane Jackson hood with picture window (3" x 5") American Optical #12 lens. It makes a pretty blue arc behind the glass that is easy to follow the puddle.


Learned to MIG on a Miller CP-300, which was great, but prefer the Lincoln Dual Process powerplant I used last job.


I second the motion on using care around pets and unsuspecting onlookers! Burned eyes are painfull!

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I stringer with 1/8" to 5/32" 5-P fill with 6010  and cap usually with 3/32" 7018 or 7024, always uphill on the cap.

  Always use a blind (welders curtain) wear 100% cotton shirt with leathers or at least nomex sleeves and my plain jane Jackson hood with picture window (3" x 5")  American Optical #12 lens. It makes a pretty blue arc behind the glass that is easy to follow the puddle.


Learned to MIG on a Miller CP-300, which was great, but prefer the Lincoln Dual Process powerplant I used last job.


I second the motion on using care around pets and unsuspecting onlookers! Burned eyes are painfull!


wow 7024 "jet rod" boy that brings back some memories. A #12 That is a bit excesive. In a shop setting a #10 is perfect an #11 if I am spray arcing.Ultimately it is up to you to find the right shade for ya but if you go to dark it gets more difficult to distinguish what exactly it is your doing.

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i just got done burning some jet rods today on a flare we built, It is used to burn off bad methane gas at a landfill. and in the blue prints is specifcally said root 6010 then a cover pas with a 7024, but we are talking 14 foot diameter pipe in 15 foot sections and it needed to be 120 feet long. the kets rods are smokey. ALSO do yourself a favor and keep your head out of the welding fumes. Th3ey will give you a head ache and can cause nerve damage.

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