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Californai Christmas


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This reminds of of a day when I was on my way to work and was stuck in traffic for 2hrs for a drive that usually takes about 30min at an average (20 miles) and once I got to work found out it was all because some dumb ass felt it was a good day to end his life on the Irwindale overpass. Well he waited so long to jump that by the time he jumped he landed in the air bag that they had setup on the freeway. :banghead: I think they should have just pushed his ass to get it over with scoop him up and let the traffic keep moving. :yellow_loser:

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Let me get this straight, you don't like the fact that they're going to call it Christmas and Easter break, so you protest this decision by setting yourself on fire. :wtf: They should have just given him the Darwin award for the year before he burst into flames, then just let him burn.

I say good for the school district for going ahead with the change. :thumbs:

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