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The way things were......


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That's very good coolblue, I hate going to restaurants and seeing children jump up and down in their seats and make alot of noise. I would have been screwed if I EVER did anything like that, even in mcdonalds haha. Bad words were a big no no as well in my house until I was around 16 or 17, my parents figured if they hadn't raised me correctly by then, then I was a loss cause which is true. I haven't had a curfew since I could drive and I do drink but have never driven drunk or gotten into any legal trouble or trouble at school. I don't think alot of people realize that by telling a kid not to drink or whatever it only makes them want to do it more. I was raised to have fun but to use my brain. My parents obviously didn't want me around people drinking or whatever when I was 13 but when I was old enough to drive they didn't care what I did as long as I was responsible and maintained a 3.0 in school. I was visiting my aunt and uncle over christmas and whenever their kids wanted me to do something with them they demanded, I made them ask respectfully before I would take them. My mom and dad were amazed how some people are raised. Also their rooms are all messes, when I was that age I had to make my bed every morning (no one does that now) also if my room was dirty my dad (being fresh out of the marine corps when I was little) would make a pile in the middle of my room with EVERYTHING in my room and make me put it away. That taught me pretty early to keep my stuff clean. I think parents are too easy on their kids now and don't parent.


You are right over leading by example, my aunt and uncle had a christmas party and one of my cousins was calling this little girl a bitch and ho because he sees daddy jokingly call mommy that alot. Oh yeah, this kid is 6.

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Man, that is sad. If I had done anything like that I wouldv'e been picking my teeth up off the floor. And I always knew that, so I never did it. Even to this day I don't curse in front of my parents/grandparents out of repsect. Our kids will be the same.

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My dad was a marine and he said the reason he thinks boot is easier now is because people don't have to really be brain washed to go and kill people now, video games and movies did it for the millitary.  Same reason marines don't have the same look in their eye now that they used too.


Its not that people are brainwashed at bootcamp. The people that seem to be "BRAINWASHED" were the people that weren't raised with Honor, Courage, and Commitment instilled in them. A person that arrives at bootcamp that was raised corretly seem to have no problem at all making it. They know the basics. Do as you are told, keep your mouth shut, and do as you are told. Did I mention to do as you are told? In bootcamp they make you treat them with respect because thats the way they want you to treat people, with respect. The people that show up for bootcamp that were raised like little heathens are the ones that seem to be brainwashed to their family and friends. They might go to bootcamp acting like hard little thugs, but come home respecting young adults. They learn real quick that there is no room for that shit in the military. As for that look in the Marines eyes that you mentioned. Oh believe me, its still there in our eyes. I have been to Afghanistan once, and to Iraq three times, and every time I see my fellow Marines, I know that they are my brother or sister and we will give our life to protect each other.


As for me, I did not like my mother very much when I was growing up. Every time that I slipped up and acted like a little punk, my mom was there to bring down the hammer on me. My mom used to whip my ass so bad that I would be hurting for at least an hour or two afterwards. She was the ruler in her house and nobody questioned her. She was very strict on us and I hated her for that at the time. Lets fast forward to the present day. I see myself, my brothers, and sisters as very well behaved and respected young men and women. We all agree that our mom did a great job of raising her children to be respected members of our society. Good job mom! :thumbs:

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I tried to backtalk my grandmother one time when I was 16. She gave me a backhand in the mouth, when I tried to defend myself(verbally) I got another, when I bitched about getting hit twice I got a third. I was NOT ABUSED I just learned that you do not talk back to grandma. Thats the way she was raised and to this day I still don't talk back to her!

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Marine SGT, the reason I say the look has changed a bit is because my grandpa was a marine in WWII I have 2 uncles who were marines in Vietnam my dad was in the first gulf conflict and I have a cousin who is currently serving our country in afghanstan as a marine and when I look at their boot camp photos my grnadpa looked the most ready to kill, then my uncles, then my dad and then my cousin. I think it also may be that they don't beat the poo out of you in boot now as they did back when they were really alowed too. However, I do not know for sure as I am not a Marine. As soon as I finish college i will be though so I will be able to come back and say whether I had a good idea of what I was talking about or not. (I know I don't as no one does until they go in and get that rude awakening haha)

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just to add to the look of the marines..war now days for a large part of the military is differnt than it used to be. I personally been to afganistan twice as a hog mechanic. The only action i ever saw was several rocket attacks to the base. Most of the military now days does not deal with the face to face combat as in ww2. back then a base would get bombed from overflying bombers. The face of death isnt as present the military life as it used to be. Airplanes use percision guided missles and bombs and see the target but they dont see the up close effect. As in the airforce i fix a-10's i see video and the aftermath but i dont see face to face combat. I think there is a special few that still have that look, and some will never even see that look. OH and on a side note marine sgt. Thanx for what you do, i love it when we work with the marines more bombs are dropped and more rounds are fired. You protect me so i can protect you. :flag:

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My wife's grandfather, God rest his soul, retired from the army as a Sargeant Major. He enlisted during WWII at the age of 16. He lied about his age. At 18 he was on Omaha Beach during D-day. If the movie "Saving Private Ryan" is any indication of how it was that day I can see how that would definitely harden a man, IF you survive, and after seeing that movie I had a deeper respect for the man. His own children, who are much older than me, never got along with him, but he and I hit it off right away. I think because I showed him respect, so I got it back in return. My wife bwcame much closer to him after I became part of the family.



To hear him tell his war stories was amazing. I wish we would have recorded it. That was a piece of history. :flag:

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yeah I love listening to my grandpa tell me about WWII. He wasn't in europe though he was in the pacific and they had to deal with some crap. My grandpa and one of my uncles are pretty normal, one of my uncles though is crazy after vietnam, he was shot three times and burned pretty bad with a flame thrower and is still alive and quite healthy. He said he has flashbacks every time he closes his eyes of the first person he had to kill because his LT. ordered him to shoot an unarmed fleeing civilian who was running away.


Thank you for all your service to all you who are willing to put your lives on the line for this country. Even though I come from a Marine Corps family I was raised to have the utmost respect for every branch. So thank you.

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