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Washington H.S. Shooting

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It's pretty simple, there are to many weapons on the streets and it's way to easy to buy them!Couple that with most parents these days are more worried about their carears then their own children and it's pretty easy to see why crimes like this are getting out of control these days.

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This crap is getting out of hand. This is where I went to school (class of 79) What in the hell is wrong with these kids nowa day's


I graduated in '79 also - had a friend stabbed and killed in English class our senior year. It's not new to me, just seems to happen much more often.

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It's pretty simple, there are to many weapons on the streets and it's way to easy to buy them!Couple that with most parents these days are more worried about their carears then their own children and it's pretty easy to see why crimes like this are getting out of control these days.



Thats about right too. Our country is more conserned with work than it is with kids that people would rather have someone else raise there kids than do it themselfs. Its sad to see our way of life going down like this but hey the parents rather work 60 hours a week than spend time with there kids. Seeing this makes me almost not want to have any kids.




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what ever happened to a good old fashioned fight? kids today are so afraid of an ass whippin or even taking a hit. they just go home get dad's gun, or a gun from a gang, and shoot someone. i also think some video games have desensitized children. it's ridiculous.

put down the guns and pick up your fists, learn to have honor.

ES :flag:

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what ever happened to a good old fashioned fight? kids today are so afraid of an ass whippin or even taking a hit. they just go home get dad's gun, or a gun from a gang, and shoot someone. i also think some video games have desensitized children. it's ridiculous.

put down the guns and pick up your fists, learn to have honor.

ES :flag:

exactly! three fools tried to jump me one time. at first i ran cuz they said they had a gun...but once i realized they didn't have a gun, it was on. even though i turned around and beat their asses, i still don't know who they were. i want to get their names and find out where they work and go do more damage to their faces. i think one guy is missing some teeth.

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what ever happened to a good old fashioned fight? kids today are so afraid of an ass whippin or even taking a hit. they just go home get dad's gun, or a gun from a gang, and shoot someone. i also think some video games have desensitized children. it's ridiculous.

put down the guns and pick up your fists, learn to have honor.

ES :flag:

exactly! three fools tried to jump me one time. at first i ran cuz they said they had a gun...but once i realized they didn't have a gun, it was on. even though i turned around and beat their asses, i still don't know who they were. i want to get their names and find out where they work and go do more damage to their faces. i think one guy is missing some teeth.

that's just it. fools jump people for no reason. i got jumped by 4 idiots that i had never seen before. no beef, no history nothin. they just jumped me for no reason. this was when i was in high school and i was a bit crazy then, i've grown a lot since then but anyway. i'm walkin (i'm at a hotel party) and these katz just start pushin me, so i said i didn't want nothin to do with them and i started walkin away and one of them stuck me in the back of the head. i turned around and one of the little bastards was right in front of me so i hooked one to his temple and knocked him out cold, then the other 3 were on me, by this point i yelled for my boys and we had like 8 guys on them, one of my boys jumped down every flight of stairs (it was an open/outdoor hotel) and came at them with a knife in his fist, another one of my boys jumped his 2nd story balcony and just slammed down like some kind of 6'5"monster and started beatin ass, and just a bunch of other people that knew me from my school came in. it was good night and they got arrested. but i was so pissed. if i had beef with them or there was some kind of history, ok. but i had never seen them before and they try to jump me? it definitely wasn't happenin for them that night. mother****ers

again, no honor, what kind of sick f**ks jump ppl for fun?

they picked the wrong person that night.

ES :flag:

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what ever happened to a good old fashioned fight? kids today are so afraid of an ass whippin or even taking a hit. they just go home get dad's gun, or a gun from a gang, and shoot someone. i also think some video games have desensitized children. it's ridiculous.

put down the guns and pick up your fists, learn to have honor.

ES :flag:

exactly! three fools tried to jump me one time. at first i ran cuz they said they had a gun...but once i realized they didn't have a gun, it was on. even though i turned around and beat their asses, i still don't know who they were. i want to get their names and find out where they work and go do more damage to their faces. i think one guy is missing some teeth.

that's just it. fools jump people for no reason. i got jumped by 4 idiots that i had never seen before. no beef, no history nothin. they just jumped me for no reason. this was when i was in high school and i was a bit crazy then, i've grown a lot since then but anyway. i'm walkin (i'm at a hotel party) and these katz just start pushin me, so i said i didn't want nothin to do with them and i started walkin away and one of them stuck me in the back of the head. i turned around and one of the little bastards was right in front of me so i hooked one to his temple and knocked him out cold, then the other 3 were on me, by this point i yelled for my boys and we had like 8 guys on them, one of my boys jumped down every flight of stairs (it was an open/outdoor hotel) and came at them with a knife in his fist, another one of my boys jumped his 2nd story balcony and just slammed down like some kind of 6'5"monster and started beatin ass, and just a bunch of other people that knew me from my school came in. it was good night and they got arrested. but i was so pissed. if i had beef with them or there was some kind of history, ok. but i had never seen them before and they try to jump me? it definitely wasn't happenin for them that night. mother****ers

again, no honor, what kind of sick f**ks jump ppl for fun?

they picked the wrong person that night.

ES :flag:

most of the time the idiots who look for a fight are the ones to get their asses beat.

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what ever happened to a good old fashioned fight? kids today are so afraid of an ass whippin or even taking a hit. they just go home get dad's gun, or a gun from a gang, and shoot someone. i also think some video games have desensitized children. it's ridiculous.

put down the guns and pick up your fists, learn to have honor.

ES :flag:

exactly! three fools tried to jump me one time. at first i ran cuz they said they had a gun...but once i realized they didn't have a gun, it was on. even though i turned around and beat their asses, i still don't know who they were. i want to get their names and find out where they work and go do more damage to their faces. i think one guy is missing some teeth.

:withstupid: These kids need to put down the weapons and fight like a real man. If I got jumped by a buch of punks I may get my ass whooped, but it aint gonna be easy. I garrantee they'll work for it. Real hard.
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what ever happened to a good old fashioned fight? kids today are so afraid of an ass whippin or even taking a hit. they just go home get dad's gun, or a gun from a gang, and shoot someone. i also think some video games have desensitized children. it's ridiculous.

put down the guns and pick up your fists, learn to have honor.

ES :flag:

exactly! three fools tried to jump me one time. at first i ran cuz they said they had a gun...but once i realized they didn't have a gun, it was on. even though i turned around and beat their asses, i still don't know who they were. i want to get their names and find out where they work and go do more damage to their faces. i think one guy is missing some teeth.

:withstupid: These kids need to put down the weapons and fight like a real man. If I got jumped by a buch of punks I may get my ass whooped, but it aint gonna be easy. I garrantee they'll work for it. Real hard.


that's what i always say, if someone can take me down ok, i'm not invincible, but he sure as hell is not going to walk away unscathed.

but that's what it is. put down the knives, bats, brass knucks, guns (especially) and anything else and pick up your fists. the word HONOR means nothing to kids these days. everyone gets their ass beat at least once, it's the only way you learn. that's what makes you a man, not picking up a weapon. i have more respect for the one who gets his ass beat then the dickweed that pulls a gun/bat/knife etc.

my friend got his ass kicked once, badly. but after that he just started going to a boxing gym and he turned into a badass, he never had to fight again but he had everyone's respect. even though he never used his new skills, everyone respected him for it. the kid he fought even pulled out a bat and my friend still persisted and got his ass kicked. but he had something much stronger, Honor. everyone thought the other kid who pulled the bat was **** since that fight and my friend earned everyone's respect. that just shows that it's not always about winning a fight, but how you learn from it, whether you win it or not. people will respect that whether they express it or not.

ES :flag:

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Yeah people are rediculous. I was at a party a few months ago and this dude was hitting on my girl friend, I went up and politlely told him to back off. He did for a while then he came up to me an hour or two later all drunk waiving his knife around saying he was going to stab me. Well he stabbed me haha. As soon as that happened I punched him in the nose as hard as I could and he dropped the knife. I got on his back and slammed his face into the cement and he ended up with a broken nose from my fist, lost 3 teeth, broken jaw in 2 places and broke the bones around his left eye. It seems to me the kids that start fights and use weapons are the biggest pussies. I'm not an aggressive person but have never run from a fight with anyone, never used a weapon either. Lots of these kids get a gun or a knife and just think they are invicible. I've seen him a few times since and he always walks off when he sees me. It's funny I just have a little scar on my arm but his face is permanently ****ed. These types of people are just too afraid of a good old ass beating. Honestly, if it's just fists it doesn't hurt that bad.

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I was about 2 miles away at my office in Tacoma when it happened, they locked down all the schools in the area. Stupid kids it will take him a day or so after he calms down to realize his stupid mistake and the rest of his life in jail asking himself why he did it. :banghead:

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My Daughters boyfriend younger brother who is a sophmore was there at the shooting. At first most kids just thought someone lit off fireworks in the hall. But then every one noticed the blood splatted on the locker's and the kid laying on the floor with blood starting to pool around him. That's when everyone started to freak. My Daughter's boyfriend brother immediately called him. He was feaked out and crying.


People never thank about all of the other victims. The witness's, friends & family etc. A kid just shouldn't have to worry about going to school and seeing someone cold blooded murdered. Things like this scar people for years. And then the school system thanks a couple of council sessions makes everything alright :dunno: It's a crazy world :tear:

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