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Why would you join the military if you're not wiulling to go to war? :dunno: Isn't that the whole point? It doesn't matter if you agree with it or not. It's the job you agreed to do. If he had been drafted I could understand his position, but in this case it's like getting a job as a race care driver and refusing to go fast.


I say court martial the bum.

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Why would you join the military if you're not wiulling to go to war? :dunno:  Isn't that the whole point? It doesn't matter if you agree with it or not. It's the job you agreed to do. If he had been drafted I could understand his position, but in this case it's like getting a job as a race care driver and refusing to go fast.


I say court martial the bum.

:withstupid: I appreciate what the military does for us doing what I am not wanting to do and that is go to war BUT I do get tired of the ones who join the military in peace time just doing so to get a free education and what not but when called to war get mad about having to go. Thats like wanting to be a Police officer and getting mad because you get shot at. Hello you knew the risk when you signed up.

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Why would you join the military if you're not wiulling to go to war? :dunno:  Isn't that the whole point? It doesn't matter if you agree with it or not. It's the job you agreed to do. If he had been drafted I could understand his position, but in this case it's like getting a job as a race care driver and refusing to go fast.


I say court martial the bum.

:withstupid: I appreciate what the military does for us doing what I am not wanting to do and that is go to war BUT I do get tired of the ones who join the military in peace time just doing so to get a free education and what not but when called to war get mad about having to go. Thats like wanting to be a Police officer and getting mad because you get shot at. Hello you knew the risk when you signed up.

:withstupid: If he is going to be adamant about not going to war then he needs to go to jail.
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What a fricken idiot. He joined the military knowing damn good and well what he would eventually be called upon to do. Now his is objecting to being deployed to Iraq. I say throw his stupid ass in the brig for a long, long, long time. I don't know about the rest of you that are military members, but I swore to defend this country knowing damn good and well what I was getting into. Sure, there were times that I said to myself "Dude, what the f*ck are you doing here!" There have been times that I have been scared and cried because of some things that were going on around me. It hasn't always been fun either. I swore to protect this country when I joined. Then I reenlisted and swore once again to defend this country, and to follow ALL orders given to me. This guy needs to man up and live up to the oath that he swore to. :mad:


"Lead, Follow, or get out of the way!"

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I agree what a tool. The really sad thing is that our enemies love to get ahold of news stories like this one. They use it in their propoganda and to taunt and tease prisoners. I guess he didn't mind the fact that Uncle Sam probably paid for his college. I bet he didn't object to that. People never cease to amaze me, what a coward.




US Army 1992-1996

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Why would you join the military if you're not wiulling to go to war? :dunno:  Isn't that the whole point? It doesn't matter if you agree with it or not. It's the job you agreed to do. If he had been drafted I could understand his position, but in this case it's like getting a job as a race care driver and refusing to go fast.


I say court martial the bum.

:withstupid: I appreciate what the military does for us doing what I am not wanting to do and that is go to war BUT I do get tired of the ones who join the military in peace time just doing so to get a free education and what not but when called to war get mad about having to go. Thats like wanting to be a Police officer and getting mad because you get shot at. Hello you knew the risk when you signed up.

:withstupid: If he is going to be adamant about not going to war then he needs to go to jail.




i did my time, way before most of the people on here were even born. i was DRAFTED

i did not have a choice in the matter, no money to dodge it in collage, or go north. but i did my best, and was proud to serve and my family backed me ALL the way with the good and the bad. i spent 6 1/2 yrs. in combat zones all over, and seen a lot of good people die and people like THIS :mad: do disrespect to all of the men and women who have served and died for this country :flag:

send his ass to jail, or do a EDDIE SLOVICK on him........ :rant:






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Its officers like that that make me sick. I have had some bad officers and worked for some good ones, but the fact is that he's an officer and has kids that just joined the militray under him and he does this. I would say to force his ass on a plane and drop him in the middle of Iraq and see how he acks then. Do you ****ing job or get out. That just makes me sick.



USAF 97-07 and still going strong.




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Go to jail directly to jail do not pass go go not collect 200 dollars. I also agree with his view of the war however thats not for him to decide. Go to Iraq like the rest of the soilders or go to jail like a criminal.

:withstupid: No matter what your opion on the war, if you join the military your job is to kill and break things and get out of war as soon as possible, pulling this :icon_bs: is only hampering any efforts at progress. And a BIG thank you to all military on this site and around the world for any services. :thumbs:


and to the officer in question... If this is an illegal war, why is nobody going to jail for starting the war? Just your dumb ass, oh and saddam got a worse fate, you should be happy you live in america other wise you'd have his fate, swinging in the rafters. :flag:

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