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Contractor screwed me for $6000. Pass this on...


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Long story short, I had a good friend that was a contractor and he was supposed to do some work for me. He took $6000., did about $500. in work and never showed up to complete the job. Then he laughed when I asked him to give me the rest back. The whole story and his smiling face is now listed at -




I'd appreciate it if you can pass this to other boards that your on. Just take the info and run! I really want to spread the word here! Alot of the New England sites are going to be getting this info along with some of the local media. It's time for him to pay the piper... one way or another!



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Well it looks like you are handling in the best way possible. Unfortunately, many people wouldnt have that kind of cash to come up with again and complete the project. I've had to refinance peoples homes for them again, yes again, to get the new money out for a messed up contractor.


What is wrong with people today? When I was a contractor, we only took 10% down to secure your job for that summer and then another 40% at job start and 50% at job end. 50% covered all of my materials and I only got burned once on a job out of hundreds for the remaining 50% and I think it was because the home owner didnt have it. He needed 66% to just start? That should have been a little bit of a red flag, unless you offered it up front....not 100% clear on that one.


P.S. I built decks for two years. Good money when its warm.

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Sorry to hear that, but why would you give the guy $6K up front? My understanding is that the contractor only needs 10% to start the job according to California laws. I would assume the two parties would come up with some type of pay schedule before the work was even started.

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sorry to hear about your troubles,its hard to believe a friend would screw you over like that but like the other guys said never get involved with friends or family and never pay 100% up front,have you called the better business bureu?.I have heard that canada has strict new laws about things like this and lousy workmanship which i believe includes jail time.

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I hate to hear about your misfortune, however, you're probably handling it alot better than I would. You're doing it the smart way as where i'd be an idiot about it and just go find the guy and beat the brakes off his ass....... :wtf:


I really do hope it pans in your favor, good luck.

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sucks to hear about that Tbyrne. i hate hearing sh*t like that. i've always tried to distance myself from doing business with family and friends. sometimes its too easy not to though.


Hope all works out!!! and hey, you got some local guys on here too so the word will spread through the region!!

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