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Those seem like good rates.  I was looking at those GTOs and i knew insurance was going to be high, but i didnt expect 1023 every 6mo.  Im used to paying like 175 for every 3mo.


LOL! You people don't understand what expensive is until you've been in my shoes! Try $2100 every six months for SS(full cover.) Trans Am(liability) Thats around $350 a month for me... 18, 1 ticket, no wrecks.


Man! Im hurting for you. How and the hell do you afford that?

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All I can say is ALL MY GOD, I can not believe how much everyone is paying a month on auto insurance. :crazy:

I pay 100 bucks a month for my truck and a my zr2 blazer, full coverage with $250 deductible and uninsured and under insured motorist. I have perfect credit and I'm with State Farm.


And I thought I was paying a lot for auto insurance, so thanks everyone for making me feel better. :D

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I am with State Farm and pay $74 a month full coverage with uninsured motorist insurance because with my luck if I am ever in an accidint it will be someone without insurance. This price covers renters insurance and the wifes VW Passat(full coverage)

Out of all the years I've had unisured/underinsured motorist we've used it once, but I'll never be without it. It's one of those just in case thing, but definitely worth it.
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no insurance...parents pay for it... :D



Do they pay for your truck and your mods too? Just curious, there seems to be mroe than a few on here get alot of things handed to them.



my mom paid for the truck...

i thought you said your dad paid for the truck and your mom paid for the rims in this thread busted

Edited by wody (see edit history)
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... and moderate coverage on a '98 Crown Vic. ...
I didn't think you'd have to pay the insurance on your cruiser :jester:


Town owned ... No ...


Pesonally owned Beater ... (98 Vic) Yes .... not too bad, only about $500.00 a year.

Just curious. Do you get to drive your cruiser home? I have about 3 local PD in my neighborhood, and a state trooper, they all drive theirs home. One is my accross the street neighbor. He's responsible for keeping it clean, ect. Just wondering if that was the norm.
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Just curious. Do you get to drive your cruiser home? I have about 3 local PD in my neighborhood, and a state trooper, they all drive theirs home. One is my accross the street neighbor. He's responsible for keeping it clean, ect. Just wondering if that was the norm.


Our department doesn't ... But soon, it will be the norm. We are only two cruisers shy of having take home cruisers for everyone. Right now 1/2 the department has a take home (Chief and Sgt's.) and the rest of us are assigned. But we are better than most, with only two officers per cruiser. But we still are responsible for keeping it clean.


Most big Departments and State Police have found, that when you issue one car to one guy, it will last 6-8 years, compared to the 2-3 for "Hot Seating" cruisers.

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no insurance...parents pay for it... :D



Do they pay for your truck and your mods too? Just curious, there seems to be mroe than a few on here get alot of things handed to them.



my mom paid for the truck...

i thought you said your dad paid for the truck and your mom paid for the rims in this thread busted



SNAP!! Busted, indeed........


What's the deal man?? "My parents give me anything I want, all I have to do is ask"??


Were you just being a smart ass or is that the truth? If so, I feel sorry for you......

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no insurance...parents pay for it... :D



Do they pay for your truck and your mods too? Just curious, there seems to be mroe than a few on here get alot of things handed to them.



my mom paid for the truck...

i thought you said your dad paid for the truck and your mom paid for the rims in this thread busted


well wody...lemme rephrase that for u k....my parents paid for my truck...didnt know I had to b that specific :nono:

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you never have to remember the truth but you have to try to remember a lie.


You know, this is a pretty good point, and I haven't heard it in quite a while. I remember my Grandma used to say it.... or was it my Dad... might have been my uncle... :D


Oh well... when you get this old, CRS kicks it into high gear.


My insurance is $225.00/mo with 300k/150k, on my SS (full coverage), my wife's Impala (full coverage), my 83 Chev (liability, and comprehensive), my 2001 Jayco Travel Trailer, my 2003 Bombardier 400 ATV.


Oh, yeah... and my house is included in this too. 1700 sq. ft (not including 1100 finished basement), 3 car garage, woodshop. I know that home insurance is quite reasonable, but it is included in my premiums.


One other question that should be considered, is do they pay their claims? Or, do they try to weasel out of them. I have had VERY good luck with reputable companies.

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All I can say is WOW to some of you guys ....


I pay only $1350.00 per Year, Farm Family Casualty Ins. Co. ...  And that's for full coverage on an '04 SSS and moderate coverage on a '98 Crown Vic.


BTW ... Mass is regulated, and the entire state is going down almost 12% this year in April ....


wha wha WHAAAAT?!?!?!!


insurance is going down? maybe one day they will allow competition in here and get some of the companies that have all the commercials to sell here. kinda funny how State Farm, Geico, and all the others advertise here, but you can't get auto or motorcycle insurance through them here.


i'm a step 9 driver (which is the best you can be in Mass.), so my rates were kinda low to begin with this year. my tahoe was $666 last year and when i transferred the plates to the SSS, my rates went up $111 to total $777 for the year. those aren't rounded up either. there was no change in the totals. guess i'm just that evil! :devil:


only owe about $60 till June...

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