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Personally I have no problems with any race, but the thing that keeps racism alive is the fact that it is funny! Look at guys like dave chappelle and carlos mencia who have made millions of dollars promoting racism on t.v.,The problem is there is a fine line between funny and hurtful and it is hard sometimes to see that line.

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i dont agree with racism one bit, but no matter what you think there is always someone that is going to judge you by your skin color. there are so many examples of how we get judged everyday i wouldnt even know where to start.


I see comments like the one metioned above pretty often on this bored and most of the tims its not that blatent but it is there and most of the time it goes unnoticed. Glad you brought it to attention of the board , hopefully it will help bring an end to these kind of comments.


I know what you mean Chase. I see it all the time too and I'm tired of it. Couldn't think of a better guy to bring it up Marine SGT...way to go :flag:

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Honestly, it really doesn't bother me all that much. I hear and see things all the time concerning this. This guy is entitled to his opinion just like everyone else and if he feels like expressing it, why not? Everyone else is expressing theirs.  :dunno:  I am in no way saying that it's right or wrong, really who is to judge anyways?


I'm just of the opinion that since we live in such a free society, your going to hear things like that. Everyone has an opinion and everyone is free to express it anyway they see fit, but not everyone has to like it.


I just saw these posts and I'm sure people won't make a big deal about it, but really, what's the difference?


That truck definitly looks like a taco wagon


I emailed that guy and told him to take his sorry @ss and his POS truck back to Mexico where it belongs


Like I said, everyone has an opinion!


I would have to disagree, just because there is a freedom of speech and opinion that same freedom can only be stopped by the freedom to respect one another, you can say whatever and do whatever until it actually begins to hurt people.

And discriminatory remarks are different from racism, similiar but different.

For instance I hate it when I hear "N*****" the history of the word is intertwined with death, suffering and pure hatred. It coexists with everything that is wrong with humans. A joke here and there is fine but its when you start crossing that line...when you know that someone makes too many jokes, or he/she has a sting in the voice you start to notice it goes past jokes and enter the realm of his "opinion" and I just cant let that type of thing slide.

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Personally I have no problems with any race, but the thing that keeps racism alive is the fact that it is funny! Look at guys like dave chappelle and carlos mencia who have made millions of dollars promoting racism on t.v.,The problem is there is a fine line between funny and hurtful and it is hard sometimes to see that line.


sadly, there's a fine line between a comedic way and a harmful way. i have alot of black, puerto rican, indian (not native american), and white friends and yea, we ALL toss around comments back and forth but it's in fun. However, if someone else overheard some of the comments, they would be offended. when it's done out of fun it's one thing, but when you cross that line, there will be some sort of back lash and you have to expect it.


the world needs to move past all this :icon_bs: but as long as there is ignorance and stupidity, the narrowminded people from all sides will still lash out and keep it alive.


sometimes stereotypes make it too easy for some people and they can't look past those to understand the person behind them.

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Oh and I recommend everyone to read "A letter from Birmingham jail" its AMAZING

:withstupid: It's very thought provoking. Good read. :thumbs:


I judge a person by their merits rather than skin color. I have no use for racism, or racists. Hopefully it will die off if we can teach our children not to hate. Sadly, it probably wont happen in my lifetime, but we can all do our part to one day erradicate it.

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I want to get the phrases "small penis" and "little, or tiny dick" banned. It is racist and hurtfull. :troll:


So if taco wagon, refering to a hispanic's car is racist, is "Ricer" racist too?? It refers to Japanese cars.


Sometimes things are posted or said that are taken the wrong way, but certain traits make us who we are. I honestly believe all this political correctness is bullshit. If I get into a conversation with someone on this board and we decide to meet for one reason or another, I may find out the hard way that he is a racist ****. I think everyone should have the opportunity to convey who they really are within reason. In other words, I want to find out if you are an **** before I meet you, not after the fact. :dunno:

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Honestly, it really doesn't bother me all that much. I hear and see things all the time concerning this. This guy is entitled to his opinion just like everyone else and if he feels like expressing it, why not? Everyone else is expressing theirs.  :dunno:  I am in no way saying that it's right or wrong, really who is to judge anyways?


I'm just of the opinion that since we live in such a free society, your going to hear things like that. Everyone has an opinion and everyone is free to express it anyway they see fit, but not everyone has to like it.


I just saw these posts and I'm sure people won't make a big deal about it, but really, what's the difference?


That truck definitly looks like a taco wagon


I emailed that guy and told him to take his sorry @ss and his POS truck back to Mexico where it belongs


Like I said, everyone has an opinion!



I have to say I agree here. Just because something is offensive to one person, doesn't mean it has to be banned.


There are a lot of things I hear everyday that I don't agree with, but I don't think people shouldn't be allowed to say them.


I saw the remark about Carlos Mencia and Dave Chappelle, these guys make a living doggin on white people and nobody ever says anything! White guilt has eaten this country alive and we are just supposed to take all this 'good natured ribbing' as a penance for our past deeds. As long as you are minority in this country, you have the right to say anything you want, without fear of repercussion, and that my friends is a fact!


How many times can you turn on the tv and hear words like cracker, honky or whitey?


These are racial slurs just the same as beaner, kike, **** or what ever, but mainstream society says that's OK, because 400 years ago some people I don't even know or was related to, done some dumb shit! And by the way, didn't the africans sell their own people to the slave traders?


And before anyone gets all snooty, I am 1/2 American Indian and 1/2 white, so if we want to talk about segregation, decimation and annihilation of an entire race, let's talk!


I can go all day on this subject, but keep these words in mind when you want to erradicate free speech:


"And don't ever let them make you feel like saying what you want is unbecoming, cause if you were supposed to watch you're mouth all the time I doubt your eyes would be above it"- Patterson Hood

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I want to get the phrases "small penis" and "little, or tiny dick" banned. It is racist and hurtfull.  :troll:


So if taco wagon, refering to a hispanic's car is racist, is "Ricer" racist too?? It refers to Japanese cars.


Sometimes things are posted or said that are taken the wrong way, but certain traits make us who we are. I honestly believe all this political correctness is bullshit. If I get into a conversation with someone on this board and we decide to meet for one reason or another, I may find out the hard way that he is a racist ****. I think everyone should have the opportunity to convey who they really are within reason. In other words, I want to find out if you are an **** before I meet you, not after the fact.  :dunno:

Im saying when you take it to the next level, I dont give a hell about most discriminatory remarks (you shouldve seen the threads with 26DUB and I would have our multiple page beat down :crackup: and then it would get deleted)

I just think that when your around a group and one person says something like...oh he must be mexican the next guy will say oh it must be because hes a spic, and then it starts to snowball worse and worse without people thinking twice about what they say. It becomes the norm. And we move away from the fact that we are an automotive forum. I think one of the best examples of this forum is aside from the username you have NO idea of what color,race, ethnicity, and gender a person is. I think its great, this forum is exactly what a group of people who dont judge is. A place where everyone can get together and just talk crap and business. You start messin everything up if you start to cross that line too much. A joke here and there is fine, I say black jokes with my black friends, I say white jokes with my white friends etc. I am far from politically correct but sometimes that can be taken a wrong way or etc. Not saying to not step on anyones toes or anything but just that this forum is a good thing but sometimes you need to tighten everything a bit to get people thinking and holding thier tongues.

Has anyone noticed that we dont curse here? Do you think we dont do it because it "can hurt" anyones feelings. No, it because we are a mature group sure once in a while it will slip but its not the norm.

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I try not to curse on here, or at least edit the word, because some people may have kids that look on with them, or read some of the posts. It's more out of respect for others.


I have to agree with the "respect" part of it. We need to watch what we say out of respect for others. We have no idea who is reading our posts. Say whatever you want to whoever you want in person. You have a lot more control over who hears what you have to say. When you write things on this board, anyone can read what you have to say. Use your head. Don't be stupid. :thumbs:

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I agree with Respect but I just dont give it respect needs to be earned. AS far as stereotyping I admit I think BLACK is FASTER :jester: I do not judge anyone until they give me reason to. A good example was when i was in Highschool we talked about this in my English class and a group of black students were saying how unfair it is they are looked at as thieves and gangstas just because they wear there pants to there knees and wear starter jackets. Its kinda ironic that in the middle of that conversation on their soapbox the lunch bell rand and I sat there and watched this group of misunderstood and falsy accussed group of Black students stealing cookies in the lunch line. I mean damn people if you dont want to be judged dont act stereotypically.

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When i posted that the truck looked like a taco wagon i did not do it to be mean i have friends who are mexican and they say my truck looks like a taco wagon because i painted all of my lights blue i dont care what they say i like my truck and agree that calling something a ricer is exactly the same as this other stuff. :chevy:


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