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Which pic should I use for my sig?


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I've finally got my truck looking the way I want it, and today I was driving by Papago park. Since it was freshly washed and I had my camera handy I pulled in and snapped a few new shots. I've posted the two that I thought were the best, but I thought I would get some other opinions:


This is my first choice:38336482.jpg


And this is my 2nd choice:



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I liked the 1st one, better view of your truck :thumbs:

All killer no filler.

That's why I'm torn between the two for now, I guess I'll just have to take more when I get the chance. There haven't been many overcast days lately, when there's too much sun it washes out the picture. There was a lot of traffic for a concert, too so I just jumped out quickly to take the 2nd shot.

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