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Killed Another SS


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First, this was more of a test than an intentional kill.


I was on my way to an appointment in the city one day when from a sideroad on the outskirts of town appears another SS. I had a close look as I passed by and it appeared to be the same year, colour, factory tonneau and all the same stuff as mine. Well, as soon as he pulled out of the sideroad in behind me on the highway I was hoping to get a chance for a little run. Our route into the city is fairly straight countryish roads with stoplights every few miles so I tried to tailor my speed so the lights would change in our favour. Well, it did't take long before we were side by side at a red on a nice two lane stretch of road.


As soon as we got green it was no contest. It brang back not so fond memories of how sluggish and detuned my truck felt stock. We ran up to about 100mph where I'd say I had at least 7-8 trucks lengths on him, not to forget his mph limiter would be kicking in by then.


It was a nice little informal test that confirmed by suspicions that all my mods to date was money well spent. Not long after that were closer to being in the city with more traffic and at another stoplight when he rolled down his window and said, "Wow!". He said that he and his buddy were trying to figure out what I had. I told them not to worry that I was far from stock and then said have a nice day and away we went.


As alittle sidenote, the most frequent comment I get from people who know nothing about trucks etc. is how cool my Corsa exhaust sounds. The Corsa exhaust is not the greastest power adder you can buy but for me it certainly gets the most positive comments. :thumbs:




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why didnt you tell him your mods?


We only had a few seconds to chat at the next light before going our separate ways. If I didn't have an appointment I might have suggested pulling over for a chat.





P.S. Red SS's or any SS's are very scarce around here!

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