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Poor Ford . . . NOT!!!


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Yes...BUT, its better that they write everyhing off they can in 2006 so they can look tha tmuch stronger on paper in 2007. This is common business practice. I even do it in my business. If I have alot of fallout on contracts, I will try to kill most of the contracts by the end of the month and start at 0 for the next month, rather having to come out of a hole to look good on paper. Old school stuff. GM has even done this in the past. Hopefully, although not a Ford fan, they will be able to turn the business around and maintain a steady stream of business and profitability.

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I hate to be the buzz kill but Chevy and GM are not doing that much better. Its sad that everyone in this day wants to drive some shitty car with a Jap logo on the front. Its funny that those same cars 30 years ago were considered crap are not running the market. What ever happened to people wanting to buy American products? With that being said all 3 of the American car companyies need to build and sell a better product at a lower price but stay competitve with everything else or there might not be a true American car company left. Just my 2 cents.




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I hate to be the buzz kill but Chevy and GM are not doing that much better.


GM posted a profit for the fourth quarter finally...so yes, GM is doing much better than Ford on paper. Ford is hedging all of their hopes on launching a 70% brand new product line in 2008...thats a risky bet, what if it all flops? I doubt it will flop entirely, but its pretty risky. One or two Aztek type failures could sink the company. GM on the other hand has just won back to back Car and Truck of the year, not an easy feat to do. People are taking notice to that.

Edited by Black2003SS (see edit history)
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