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Date Line: How To Catch a Predator


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So I've watched just about every episode including the one on tonight. While it is extremely disturbing to know there are sick f**** out there that actually say and do the things that are portrayed on this show. But in some way shape or form it provides a sense of enjoyment watching these people break down or try to run out of the house when Chris Hanson approaches them. Its amazing some of the people who even get caught 2 or 3 times in recurring episodes. I think the best part is when they think they can escape and run to their car/truck and the cops catch them before they are able to leave.


Best quote of the show:

"Come on in, I made some lemonade!"



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Yeah ... The wife and I watch it from time to time. It is extremely distrubing that these sick F****'ers are out there, saying the things they say, then show up to make good on their promises.


WTF ... are these guys thinking, especially the ones who have kids. What is going through their minds, when they show up looking for some? What if it happened to them? What if some strange guy shows up at their house, to have sex with their 13 year old child. I would do a lot more damage to the person, then just a simple Arrest and procecution.


I do love the fact that these Predators get taken down, and procecuted!!!! Throw their A$$es in jail!!!!!


... did you see tonight, when the guy was starting to Active Resist, and the Long Beach PD used the Taser on him!!! Awesome!!!!! Now if they could just hook up the electrodes to his testicles.


Just my .02 cents

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Like that one officer said, I feel sorry for the families of the perverts. Those guys that are married with kids...how do you tell your kids...your wife? "Hi honey...I was arrested last night for trying to have sex with a 13yr old. I also lost my job and income. We can't afford our house anymore and I'm going to jail for at least a few months. I'm sorry...please don't leave me."


What kind of woman would even think for one second of staying with those creeps? Move in with family, take the kids, find a job, get the hell out that situation.


It was also funny to see that indian/asian kid that was 22 and a virgin...lol...he cried like a little baby...can you imagine not ever being able to show your face at school again?

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I want to see Ted Nugent be the host of the show and when they run

he gets out the bow and THWOOOOP! Case solved!!


They won't be on any recurring episodes then, huh?



I second that. Hell, Ted Nugent would probably kill 'em all and eat them. :puke:

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I want to see Ted Nugent be the host of the show and when they run

he gets out the bow and THWOOOOP! Case solved!!


They won't be on any recurring episodes then, huh?


Ted Nugent is awesome. He says and does what many of wish we would say and do. Cold hard truth. I work with some real pu$$ies...vegens, vegetarians, anti-hunters, animal rights activists, etc. Some of these people wouldn't survive two days if our country's infrastructure collapsed for some reason, natural disaster, terrorist attack, war, etc (all of which are hihgly unlikely ever happening, but it is still comical to picture these people looking like lost sheep wandering aroud).

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I want to see Ted Nugent be the host of the show and when they run

he gets out the bow and THWOOOOP! Case solved!!


They won't be on any recurring episodes then, huh?



I second that. Hell, Ted Nugent would probably kill 'em all and eat them. :puke:

That's why I couldn't be a police officer. I'm afraid some criminals wouldn't make it to trial.
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they were talking about it on the radio this morning. i didn't see it. they said that one guy was walking toward the house, heard a radio open up, got spooked and went back to his truck. then he drove around the block and came back.


what is wrong with these people????

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Haha or the guy on there that was a Marine Corps sniper and he knew exactly where everyone was. That guys is going to get in huge trouble as he is still active duty. Can anyone say millitary prison? My dad was a Marine Corps sniper and he said it made him sick to watch one of his brothers do something like that. I never understand these guys I like developed trait son a women....

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