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Hillary Rotten Clinton


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You really should be sitting down when you

read this one



Gold Star Mothers is an organization made up of women whose sons were

killed in military combat during service in the United States Armed Forces.



Recently a delegation of New York State Gold Star Mothers made a trip to Washington , DC , to discuss various concerns with their elected Representatives.


According to published reports, there was only one politician who refused

to meet with these ladies.



Can you guess which politician

that might be?


Was it New York Senator

Charles Schumer? Nope, he met with them.


Try again. Do you know anyone serving

in the Senate who has never showed anything but contempt for our military?



Do you happen to know the name of any politician in Washington who's husband once wrote of his loathing for the military?


Now you're getting warm! You got it!



None other than the Queen herself, Hillary Rotten Clinton




She refused repeated requests to meet

with the Gold Star Mothers.


Now, please don't tell me you're Surprised. This woman wants to be President of the United States --- and

there is a huge percentage of Voters who are eager to help her achieve that goal.


May you sleep in peace always...and please....hug or thank a Veteran for that



Think about this one !!!



Don't forget, our girl,


Hillary Rodham Clinton,

as a New York Senator, now comes under this fancy congressional Retirement and Staffing Plan.


It's common knowledge that, in order for her to establish NYS residency, they purchased a million+ dollar house in upscale Chappaqua , NY .


Makes sense.


Now, they are entitled to Secret Service protection for life.


Still makes sense.


Here is where it becomes interesting. The mortgage payments hover at about $10,000 per month


BUT, an extra residency had to be built within the acreage in order to house the

Secret Service agents..


The Clinton 's now charge the Secret Service $10,000 monthly rent for the

use of said Secret Service residence

and that rent is just about equal to their mortgage payment, meaning that

we, the tax payers, are paying the Clinton 's mortgage, their transportation, their safety and security, their 12 man staff, and it's all perfectly legal.






Sincerely, Cdr. Hamilton McWhorter USN (ret)




PS: Please forward this to as many people as you can. We don't want this woman to even think of running for President. So, just how many people can you send this to? It will take no more than 2 minutes. Thanks

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:sick: all politicians are f*cking thieves anyway............




:withstupid::withstupid: No matter how you look at it the middle class always gets the sh*tty end of the stick. All these politicians promise and lie to us just to get us to vote for them, they don't care what happens to us, all they see is $$$. They can kiss my American azz!!! :flag::flag:

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As much as I dislike Hillary....Snopes is your friend





I wouldn't vote for her either but you gotta call :icon_bs: when you see it.


People will throw anything around that they can to try and discredit whoever they dislike at the moment, even when it's a blatant lie.

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I'm with all you guys that is f-n bullshit,unfortunately they say she has a good chance.Lets not for get good ol' George W. who wont even respond to members of his own political party after several attempts to reach him to pardon the 2 border patrol agents who got royally shafted and screwed for the next 12 years of their lives.

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I pray to God those fools don't make it back into the White House. I didn't really believe it when I read it but I wanted to. What even qualifies this wench to be president? I don't know who will be running for president but I can't wait to see what bullshit the Democrats make up if they lose again.



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I'm with all you guys that is f-n bullshit,unfortunately they say she has a good chance.

She doesn't have a snowballs chance in hell, when asked people will say that they will vote for her but when it comes down to it they won't. I'd be mildly suprised if the Dems actually put her or Obama up for election.

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