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Des MOines area gathering. Dinner and....

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I was thinking that there are a few of us in the DM area that I know of. what about a dinner gathering? Hooters? Daytonas? some kind of sports bar? it is just something to throw out there. I know of Kyle, Brad, jason and myself as well as the "newbie" here in the site. I also have a friend with a TBSS and was thinking we could get just get together and try to push away the winter blues for a night and have some good laughs and Bull shit a lil!!


let me know if anyone is interested, and what nights work for you all. I am open to anything anywhere and just about anytime..

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I am up for a lil something this weekend. Sat night is bad for me, but Sunday afternoon maybe lunch? or shit even Friday night?@!! My SS is in shambles right now. working on to much stuff at once. interior, exterior, underhood....

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i would love to meet when the weather gets better :thumbs:



I dont wanna go to far out, but how bout mid April? my March is kicked in the ass already and with Easter the first weekend of April, it looks to be about the soonest it would work for me. so what does everyone else think??


Also this will give the others in the area time to get things together and actually read and relpy to this!!

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