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he was an F16 pilot who was shot down over Bosnia in 93-94. He spent 6 days running from the enemy waiting to be rescued.


Isn't he the pilot that inspired the fictional movie of "Behind Enemy Lines"?

Yes he is, but he said the movie os NOTHING like what really happened.




If you ever get a chance to hear his story, DO IT. It'll give you a little taste of what our servicemen and women go through, and give you a sense of pride in America. :flag:

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I am not one to write pages, so mine is short...


Don't for one moment second guess your value to us. Your and your brethren are doing work that cannot be measured in it's importance...not yet anyway. I and my family owe everything we have to you. Hell, you allow me to post this without someone coming to my door and beating me for it.


Keep your heads up (or down if needed) and GODSPEED.



Edited by SCIV (see edit history)
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Thanks for all the replies gentlemen.


The original rant was not aimed to point fingers at you all back home. I just got really upset about the media this morning. Tired of the crap. When I have been home alot of people do seem to care. And it depends on what states/areas you are in but it feels good. What I was aiming at is how stupid things like I mentioned above with the flags and the border agents can be allowed to happen? That in conjunction with the negative reports just really do not lay out a warm welcome on a daly basis.


I just wished we could change it. But I have more important agendas to secure here first being overseas. Well I am going to hit the rack. Again, thanks for the replies, and support. It's not you all at home I am concerned with so much as the few who get the chance to influence you before you hear... "The rest of the story."


Oh yeah before I forget. Mister P, thanks for the reply. If you are wondering, I am not SF. I am nothing more than a Sapper or Combat Engineer. I have aspirations, but they will come after I get back in the states and settled in and drive my SS, drink a few cold ones, relax, chase women, and seek some form of minor but entertaining trouble. Perhaps Jaywalking in a rural area? Life on the edge my friend!

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Don't think for one second that we don't want you home safe. It's sad that the most retarded people have the loudest voices. Believe me there are far more people who support the cause than the very vocal minority. Stay safe.




US Army 92-96

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...I just wished we could change it. ...


Oh yeah before I forget. Mister P, thanks for the reply. If you are wondering, I am not SF. I am nothing more than a Sapper or Combat Engineer. ... Life on the edge my friend!

:lol: yup life on the edge! Sorry to have assumed wrong on your MO, my mistake I jumped to conclusions on your location and what I read in your sig and to me it's little significance as you're THERE and I'm not.


We can change things, it's just that it's more like turning a super-tanker, it's going to take small persistent effort over a long time to get the ship going in the right direction. I mean dude you're talking about changing society. Like if we're lucky 10 years, or if as usual more like 2-3 decades. But it will happen, just look today at how the media/society reports/views the vietnam experience vs. how it was 'framed' at the time - big difference and I know hindsight is 20/20 and all that but I still think, while not perfect, the 2003 military campaigns have been reported a lot better than those of 30-years ago. Things aren't perfect but it is progress and with continued dedicated action it'll happen. I'm optimistic.


Mr. P. :)

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Eh, I can think of many quick ways to help a large tanker turn, but most of them involve rockets and high tensil strength ropes. I think what we need is a cause. Something that all Americans can stand together and firm on, and work together towards. Look at the great space race...the entire country was on the edge waiting to see if we could do it, while our engineers and scientists were taking risks trying to put things together with duct tape and velcro and make them work!


Recently it seems if Space Exploration is a dead issue, and now I guess our own Astronaughts are kidnapping each other?!?! *sigh* NASA has had a bad stint of luck, but man I wished they could just get back on top.


Even Global Warming is a good cause. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't hug trees and I bath as often as I can and enjoy steak. I'm a Texan. But GW is an issue that won't really affect us, it'll be our children's children and so on. I think we'll hammer that stuff out soon enough. But what irks me is that people scream and whine about us wasting money in space and they don't stop and look around at what technologies it has given us! I feel that we should continue and increase the tempo, it will only reward us in the end and provide us with technology and information that we'll need down here...


What are some other cause you guys can think of? Anyone agree with the cause idea?

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I, for one, certianly appreciate the sacrafices that every Soldier, Sailor, Airman, and Marine make for this country. :flag:


Thank you!


:withstupid: I don't think I'll ever be able to effectively put into words how much I appreciate what you, and every member of the armed forces, is doing for us on a daily basis. You are a much bigger man than I am b/c I don't think I have what it takes to put my life on the line.... call me selfish.


What I don't like is that there is increasingly more reason to believe you guys were sent there for the wrong reasons, and now that you're there we don't have a way to get you out and save face. Political affilitations aside this administration has let everyone down, most importantly those of you serving in Iraq/Afghanistan/etc... just know that people like me still support you even if we don't support the actions/people that sent you there.


Keep up the great work, stay safe, and know that me and my family will continue to hold you and other members of the military in the highest regaurd possible. :cheers:

I'll try t make this short,i am with dylan i to appreciate you sacrifices and the sacrifices our forefathers made to make this country what it is today but it really agrivates me when you guys are killed or mamed due to some politicians personal agenda.You mentioned the border patrol agents who were railroaded and sent to jail,the president still will not reply to the congressmen who have made several attempts to reach and speak with him but he will allow the speaker of the house an aiplane to fly around in? what is wrong with these people and why are they trying to undo the good reputation of this country that allot of good men and woman had to die to acheive.I just wish we cuold wipe the slate clean clean and start over with good,honest,and caring politicians who care foremost about this country and here legal citizens as opposed to the almighty dollar and their personal agenda. God bless you guys/girls and the u.s.a.

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Hey man don't be worried to come home. For the most part everyone supports you guys, judt not war. Even all the liberal panzies in my college classes have mad respect for you guys even though they don't support the war. Thank you for everything you have done for me and all of us. I can't thank any of you guys enough for what you are doing. :flag:

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Anyone watch Extreme Makeover Home Edition last night? Made me feel really good inside about the armed forces... the comradery and respect that they demand of, and give to each other. Usually this show just makes me glad that I have a good life and that I really am lucky... helps me appreciate what I have due to the freedom provided by those that have died to preserve what needs to be held dear. When you see a battle hardened modern day warrior reduced to tears, it really drives the point home of what is important in life... friends, family, respect.


“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” - Reinhold Niebuhr


"Goodness, armed with power, is corrupted; and pure love without power is destroyed” - Reinhold Niebuhr

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i didnt read any of this thread, and only a portion of starting topic because im needing to get to class quick. i saw where the train of thought was going though. one thing to remember is that all news stations are democrats. if we had a democratic president at the moment they would definately be preaching a different tune. news stations are nothing but a buncha politicians IMO. they show nothing but negative aspects of the war to make the republicans look bad. i support our troops 100% and im sure everyone else feels the same. yall come back safe

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