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I'm sorry she died, as I would be with most people, but you know...she wasnt exactly my favorite person on the planet...


I'm sure there will be many news reports over the next few days and hopefully it is because of a real medical condition and not murder or conspiracy or something that we have to hear about for the next year.

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It sucks she died and all but I will raise the same argument I raised when Christopher Reeves and his wife died and people ranted and raved about how bad they felt for the kids. It is sad when anyone dies but my heart doesn't go out to that new born like it would to any of your kids if you all died. That child, along with Christopher Reeves kids lost their parents and yeah that is sad but they will never have to work in their life and they will grow up more comfortably than any of us will probably ever live. I feel bad for the kids out there who are growing up in blue collar families and have their parents die because those kids will go to an orphanage until they turn 18 then live in the ghetto struggling to eat and clothe themselves. yes these kids will never have a complete childhood but them losing their parents is nowhere as difficult as some poor kid losing theirs.

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I don't know. That kid could still wind up in the orphanage. As far as I knew, the family was still contesting the estate she inherited when the old man died. Even the oldest son, the one challenging her, has died of old age already! Right now there's a custody fight over Anna Nicole's kid. Between her lawyer and some guy she was seeing, both of whom claim to be the father. The lawyer's refusing to let the kid be DNA tested, which says a lot. My point is, that once the inheritance issue gets settled, both those "loving fathers" might wind up dropping that kid like a rock. Then we'll see how f'ud up he winds up getting. There'll be a reality show in his future for sure, and it won't be pretty.

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