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Got Hit by a Bus


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Last Night while driving down my road (less than 50 yards) from my house, a single Decker bus cut the corner into the road i live on, i stopped with the nearside wheels almost touching the kerb, thinking he would have enough room to get by... DOH i forgot bus driver who drive down our road are seriously lacking in driver skills....BANG he hits the front bumper and wing..BANG BANG he hits the mirror and drivers door... scrape BANG he drives along the side taking out the rear door... finally taking out the rear quarter and rear bumper..

by this time i was on 2 wheels with the nearside wheels wedged against the kerb... I Couldn't go forward or back.. something to do with only the nearside wheels touching tarmac the off side in air.. drivers door was tightly wedged beside the bus .. i'm buggered i cant get out, .. by this time the passengers on the bus were running down the street ( like a scene from a horror movie running from the monsters) a car following the bus came to the passenger side saying she saw it all and would be my witness (she couldn't believe he didn't stop.. until he had to, with my motor stopping him) i think if he'd have managed to get by he would have continued down the road.. totally oblivious to the accident... anyway witness tel and address number in my pocket we disentangled the bus from the car and i pulled onto the kerb... when i asked him why he hadn't stopped he just looked dumb and shrugged his shoulders and asked what i was doing... i then asked if he really thought it was my fault and he said the insurance would sort it, and it was JUST A SRATCH on my motor. every panel on the drivers side dented and he says "only a scratch" he needs glasses.. maybe that's why he hit me.. anyway swap details he leaves and i then attempt to drive away, unfortunately no matter which way i turn the steering wheel it doesn't go in the direction i'm pointing it so he's taken out the steering as well so it seems... anyway i've informed my insurance, his insurance the Police etc.. now waiting for insurance to sort it out and get me a replacement car... anyway Good news i wasn't hurt.. no one on the bus was hurt .. but i now have a Vauxhall estate (Omega Station wagon) in a state,

i'll post photos later

And looking on the bright side i wasn't driving the Truck...



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Man I'm sorry to hear that bro.. Didnt you just take delivery of your SS and had it shipped to the U.K......Is there any Chevy dealers there. The reason I ask is my truck was vandilized and had to be repainted. It wasnt the same as when I bought it new. Needless to say its back in the shop and getting repainted because the didnt do a good job. When ever its an insurance repair and it's not out of my pocket I will be taking it to the dealer. Hope you have better luck.

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Man I'm sorry to hear that bro.. Didnt you just take delivery of your SS and had it shipped to the U.K......Is there any Chevy dealers there. The reason I ask is my truck was vandilized and had to be repainted. It wasnt the same as when I bought it new. Needless to say its back in the shop and getting repainted because the didnt do a good job. When ever its an insurance repair and it's not out of my pocket I will be taking it to the dealer. Hope you have better luck.



Luckily i wasn't in my truck.. if i had been i think i'd be in Police custody.. it was in the car i use to take my dogs out... a 1999 Vauxhall Omega Station wagon (same as a Cadillac Catera butstation wagon version) stood up pretty well considering the bus was like 10 ton,The damage don't look to bad the color kinda hides the dents and ripples so it will probably be written off by insurance.as it needs 2 wheels and tires and door skins front and rear fenders and side trim... i was only saying to Heidi on wednesday about selling it and buying a newer station wagon for the dogs, so at least it will save me the price of an advertisment lol



Hope you get yours repaired to your satifaction.. don't just accept it... insurance companies are quick enough to take your money but not so keen to pay out or get your car repaired...

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I dont know what it is about european bus drivers.....but they are freaking nuts. In spain I literally almost got run over by one, I was waiting in the bus stop and he didnt want to stop so I stood in the middle of the road and pleaded....he just shook his head and kept on truckin, I was sitting there and hoping and thinking he would stop, nope....my dad had to grab me by my shirt coller before I become spanish road kill. In france another one of those cut me off and the same thing that happened to you almost happened to me in my little Citreon that we rented. My dads theory is that because the law and attorneys are not as vicious in Europe as they are here therefore if there was an "accident" They can just be like :dunno: "whoops".

But anyways its great that you are ok Eamon and I know people just say its just metal etc....but thank god you werent in your truck because I think you would go mental on everyone! :eek:

Hope everything gets sorted out :cheers:

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Glad you're ok. From your story, I was expecting the damage to be much worse.

I have'nt heard if you finally took delivery of the SSS?

If so, congratulations! And thank God it wasn't the victim in this accident, especially after waiting so long.

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we used the Omega to collect the truck from the docks on Wednesday the reason its so dirty, 450 miles of rain sleet and road salt, i cleaned the Truck the following day and was going to clean the omega today, don't need to bother now, the photos don't really show the damage, every panel has a dent in it but because of the color its difficult to see them, also he managed to damage the wheels and the steering, it feels like the wheel has been taken out of alignment it don't go where you steer it Dangerous so i'll not use it till the insurance company decides what they are going to do... i'm waiting to hear about a rental as the truck although here i have to wait till its been SVA'd and registered before i can use it .. so i'm without a car at the moment..


I am just so happy it wasn't my Truck

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for a second i thought you forgot what side got hit because i thought you said the driver side and the damage was on the passenger side.. then i forgot that you guys over there drive on the wrong side of the road.. :jester: j/k glad your ok.

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Tis but a flesh wound....But I've offed your arms you silly bastard


(Or something like that)


I did think of the Black Knight and Monty Python when I read your post. Good luck on getting everything fixed. On the bright side you said you were thinking of getting a new car anyway.



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