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i've seen that before, i thought is wansn't regestered and the 2 guys racing were drunk. one was a mclaren benz SLR the other was the enzo. found the guy in the pasanger seat and said the driver took off but they found his blood all over the drivers air bag.


i could be wrong.


I believe these facts are more correct............ :icon_bs: on the kid story


Could be BS dunno it was posted on my friends Myspace and I thought it was interesting.

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I know the crash is real, but wasnt it with that rich british scam artist that is in jail or being deported or something? Thats how they caught him, was when he crashed his million dollar Ferrari in Cali. He was or is a fugitive or something, it was all over the news. I believe the crash, but happening twice to the same car? Not so sure.

yeap that's exactly right

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wow... you bought that hook line and sinker didn't ya... the pictures are real... the story is 100% BS.


The pictures are of an accident that happened last year on Pacific Coast Highway.


The driver, Stefan Eriksson, was found at the scene with only bumps and bruises... he claimed he wasn't driving the car when it crashed going over 150mph. He claimed some dude named Dieter or something was and he was the passenger. "Deiter" supposedly ran off to avoid being cited for drunk driving.


After investigating the police found out that there was no Dieter and Eriksson was the driver, the claim they had been racing a McClaren was proved false, and the blood sample taken from the air bag tested positive for drugs. Adding to this was the fact that the Enzo had been reported stolen in Europe after Eriksson had failed to make his payments to the loan company. Even funnier yet is a month or so after this crash, his wifes Mercedes was towed in Beverly Hills b/c it was also reported stole in Europe under the same circumstances.


Eriksson has ties swedish crime syndicates and made his money in the video game industry




Search the dudes name and you'll come up with all kinds of stories on him.... one VERY shady character.

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