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Got a new tattoo


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I got another tattoo last monday, and I think it's pretty crappy. The dude that did it has been doing tattoos forever and did 3 of the other ones I have. And they all turned out fine. But this one is awful. :banghead: You can't really tell in the pics, but he missed abunch of spots. And got some blue in the black and vice versa. I think when this heals, I'm going to go to a different shop and see if they will re-do it. I got my eyebrow peirced too. :devil: Been wanting to do it for years.

The first pic is a close-up(kinda blurry). The bottom left point is bigger than the rest :wtf:

The second pic is further away. No it's not that crooked(just a little), I couldn't get my wrist straight. Oh yea I took this pic in the mirror so it's backwards.



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I would go back to him and make him fix it. If you go elsewhere they will charge you for his mistake. I would think it would be an easy fix. Just next time go somewhere else. Lets see a pic of that peircing

Edited by brobradh77 (see edit history)
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yikes.....it does kinda look like a moving starfish if thats what you were going for. i have an eel on my arm, like a band but its not straight but wasnt meant to be since you never see a straight eel / snake. now my other band is straight like it should be. id say dont go back to that guy.

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someone might be able to fix it up a little bit. it will have to be a little bigger. i can't wait to get the rest of mine, i draw all of my tattoos. im going to work with the "ventura" one on in my sig a little more. they are addicting.

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was it free handed or a stencil?? and was your other work done that way. i have been looking around for guys to do a tattoo for me and just watch their work, i rather have a guy copy a stencil then go free handed..

It was a stencil. He did the other ones with a stencil too. I don't know, maybe he's getting old and his hand isn't as steady as what it used to be. I liked going there cause they do alot of work with the local dog pound to find the dogs foster homes and rescues in different states, but I guess I'm going to have to start making a donation directly to the pound.



maybe it's just me, but i don't really think it looks THAT bad?

This is the first one that I have been unhappy with. And you can't tell in the pics, but he missed some spots too. If you saw it in person, you'd be like ahhhhh :confused: , what the crap happened?



looks like a disfigured starfish moving in current...

I mean that in the best way ;)


thats what cool about it


i just want to see that scar below the star.....

My arms have several scars on them :banghead: I worked at a vet clinic for about 5 years. Got scratched and bitten by lots of dogs and cats :shakehead:

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