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Got a ticket today


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Well me and my stupid leadfoot self was heading home from a microsoft convention in austin this morning and i had cruise control set between 90-92 since i was the only soul on the road. so i made it almost home when i come up over a hill and spot a Texas DPS office sitting about 100 feet off the road so i just pulled over even before he had his lights on and long story short i got a ticket for 94mph in a 70mph zone. and the only reason i didn't get my sorry ass thrown in jail for reckless driving is the guy thought i was a "Good Kid" so i guess i get to take defensive driving again. Its my own damn fault but i had to vent anyway. So i am now starting a fund for a new Valentine1 Radar Detector. :banghead:

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I'll be the first to say that sucks. It would have been nice if he would have at least dropped it to below 90, which would make it a cheaper ticket. Here in CA you sometimes have to appear in court just to find out what the fine is for that speed.


Get a Valentine 1, it costs $400 but is fairly equal to a hefty ticket after all the screwing around with fine, traffic school, and court costs. Mine has saved me multiple times...

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I know, Its not luck. I knew how fast i was going and i knew the possible consequences and this time the i got caught. i have to face the consequences. And what really sucks is i sat on the side of the road so the few cars that were on the road that i passed, passed me. so that sucks

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