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KKK rally this weekend


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This is a very interesting topic and i find it very good to have such a diverse site here with all of your opinions. I'll leave mine out of this since i'm a staff member and i don't think posting my opinion would be appropriate but i will say keep this thread clean as it has been so far and we can all enjoy and learn from it. thanks.

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It's not much in me either. My paternal Great Grandmother was full blood Blackfoot, and the Cherokee comes from my mother's side somewhere. So, I'm 1/16, maybe 1/8th. I just consider myself 100% American. I try really hard not to see color or race. A person should judged by their dees/merits rather than color/race.

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I can relate to the racism you have experienced, but in a different in a way. I, like yourself, don't look like a typical NDN. I am pretty much white, but I get shit from both sides, about the other side.

But, I get most my bullshit from people because I am heavily tattooed and listen to heavy metal. I know it can't be compared to ethnic racism, but it is certainly the same feeling. I can't believe this day and age, with 1 in 3 people having a tattoo, that people look upon it so negatively. Even from people who have a couple.


:withstupid: I can relate to the tattoo thing. I went to a 2nd opinion doctor for my disability rating. I showed up in my hollister torn up jeans and nice shirt that hid my tats. He saw my jeans and made comments about how torn up they where to his nurse and made me get undressed and put on a gown. :banghead: I kept my mouth shut that time but when he came back in he saw my Tats and he all of a sudden wanted me to turn my arms over so he could check out my veins. :mad: He was checking for needle marks I guesss because I have tats I must shoot up. I went off on him then and he apologized for making me feel I was being judged. :nonod:

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...I'm just saying IMHO from my short life ive experienced a lot of racism... and its ALL been from white people.

Yeah well Bakersfield has lots of ethnic diversity but it's far from any utopia, lots of bad blood there in the San Joaqin Valley, you already know this but for the benefit of those growing up outside CA there is a lot of open racial tension in Central California, borderline hostile. I find that there is far less racial tension here (in north TX) compared to Central CA.


I find your comment to be not fair or realistic; I'll understand if you meant to communicate 'in my own life racism directed at me has always been from white people' but I do not agree with your blanket statement. The problem is that racial hatred shows itself in many different forms. I used to grow almonds in Escalon, and my girlfriend at the time had been raped three times in her life (age 19, 28, and 31) each time by immigrant labor; I will tell you that her family had a very biased, unflattering opinion about hispanics, it went far beyond wetback jokes. The lesson here is that the caucasian orchard owner never really treated his contract labor in a respecful way (they lived in f'n shanties for christ's sake) and in turn they certainly did not treat them respectfully either (took whatever they wanted including his daughter). Yet both were still out there harvesting nuts together; it's a sordid little world we sometimes find ourselves in. This is why I will not allow anyone in my life that does not respect me, nor will I be around people I do not respect - it breeds contempt and nothing good happens past that point.


To me it's all about mutual respect. You do not necessarily have to agree with how others live their lives, but you do have to respect it. I have no problem with white power. Or black pride. Or gay parades. Or hispanic culture. Or any other ethnic/cultural pride movements. But I do have a problem with attitudes and activities that just serve to fuel more contempt rather than create mutual respect.


Mr. P.

Edited by misterp (see edit history)
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I stumbled upon a group of skinheads a few years back walking home from work and they werent going to mess with me but i wear a necklace around my neck with a star of David that was given to me by my great grandmother. because she always reminded me that i am Jewish and shouldnt apologize for it to anyone. So anyways one of these kids spots me and they were all no older than 20 and there were 4 of them. One of them walks up to me and rips it off my neck and spits in my face and it was on. we got into one hell of a fight. Keep in mind i am 6'5" and nearly 300lbs. i had had 4 broken ribs a cracked jaw a 2 broken toes a mild concussion, a fractured left arm and a dislocated shoulder and spent three days in the hospital. all four of them spent at least 2 weeks in the hospital each and injuries ranged from broken fingers to a broken back. i got out of it scott free on self defense. they claimed that my force was unecessary and i pleaded that it was 1 on 4 and i had to use any force necessary. but i still walk with a limp and i have 4 screws in my arm and 2 in my ribs. but i got my necklace back and am wearing it to this day.



I don't advocate fighting but nice work! :thumbs:

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I really dont like to fight either but i will if confronted.


I have a great example of how ignorance leads to misunderstanding. I was suspended from school for 2 weeks for the using the word "Niggardly" in a paper. Now the meaning of that word is "1. reluctant to give or spend; stingy; miserly. 2. meanly or ungenerously small or scanty: a niggardly tip to a waiter.

–adverb " So i used it to describe Scrooge in a self interpretation of "A Christmas Carol" The teacher Fliped and i was suspended until i could prove to the administration that i was not using it in a deragatory sense. Ignorance pisses me off sometimes because i then had to make up a week of work.

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Yeah well Bakersfield has lots of ethnic diversity but it's far from any utopia, lots of bad blood there in the San Joaqin Valley, you already know this but for the benefit of those growing up outside CA there is a lot of open racial tension in Central California, borderline hostile. I find that there is far less racial tension here (in north TX) compared to Central CA.


I find your comment to be not fair or realistic; I'll understand if you meant to communicate 'in my own life racism directed at me has always been from white people' but I do not agree with your blanket statement. The problem is that racial hatred shows itself in many different forms. I used to grow almonds in Escalon, and my girlfriend at the time had been raped three times in her life (age 19, 28, and 31) each time by immigrant labor; I will tell you that her family had a very biased, unflattering opinion about hispanics, it went far beyond wetback jokes. The lesson here is that the caucasian orchard owner never really treated his contract labor in a respecful way (they lived in f'n shanties for christ's sake) and in turn they certainly did not treat them respectfully either (took whatever they wanted including his daughter). Yet both were still out there harvesting nuts together; it's a sordid little world we sometimes find ourselves in. This is why I will not allow anyone in my life that does not respect me, nor will I be around people I do not respect - it breeds contempt and nothing good happens past that point.


To me it's all about mutual respect. You do not necessarily have to agree with how others live their lives, but you do have to respect it. I have no problem with white power. Or black pride. Or gay parades. Or hispanic culture. Or any other ethnic/cultural pride movements. But I do have a problem with attitudes and activities that just serve to fuel more contempt rather than create mutual respect.


Mr. P.




I agree, but if my daughter was raped 3 times, im sure I would hate hispanics as well. I understand where they come from on that one. But like I have said, each culture\race has their bad people as well as their good. Some more than others I guess...


But yeah most of those groups you just named, [except maybe the gays :confused:] only have activities and meetings to create more hate and spread the word of hate... kkk even uses jesus to try to spread the word? I don't know, what to say anymore, I keep offending people. Ill just be quiet now. :]

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I don't know, what to say anymore, I keep offending people. Ill just be quiet now. :]
Naaaa you're not being offensive at all, as long as the discussion continues it's all cool :cool: You're right good and bad people exist across all ethnic, social, and economic lines. Responding to hate with more hate is not a successful approach, it just doesn't work. Now I'm starting to sound like Ghandi. :sigh:
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