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Saltwater Update

SS Silv

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I swapt out my regular 55 gallon with a drilled 55 gallon tank for a sump and MAN was it a lot of work. For those who don't know, the sump is located below the main aquarium in the stand and there are two holes drilled in the bottom of the aquarium with an overflow box which one hose is for the drain line to the sump, and the other is hooked up to a pump which returns the water to the main tank. The main reason for having a sump is so you don't have to have all of your equipment up in the main tank. It basically gives your aquarium a clean look. Right now, my fish and inverts are in a 10 gallon holding tank. They would probly would die because my water parameters are out of wack because of the move. With a few water changes, I should be able to put them in their new home. My next step will be a more powerful light, then start adding coral.


I can't emphasize how fun and enjoying this hobby is. If you need something to spend lots of money on, this hobby is for you :jester:


Here are some pics, I will post more pics when I add my fish.










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I know exactly what you are talking about. I have a 180 gallon freshwater tank with a bio ball wet/dry sump filter below. My sump tank is probably about 20 -25 gallons. I could put fish in there as well! :lol: Those types of filters are the best IMHO. If I ever go with another tank, I will do another sump filter. They are soo easy to take care of and it makes the tank look clean, no heaters, pumps, etc.

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That looks clean man. :thumbsup: Im gonna be upgrading to a 100g tank from my 50g soon. Have an aunt that doesnt want her tank anymore :ughdance: Saltwater tanks/fish imo are alot more attractive than freshwater but alot more work. Its a fun hobby though and it gets me out of doing any housework, I just tell the wife the tank needs cleaning. Btw did you do the drilling in your tank, seeing that makes me wanna do that to the 100g before I set it up.

Edited by Juse821 (see edit history)
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Btw did you do the drilling in your tank, seeing that makes me wanna do that to the 100g before I set it up.


Imma go take pics of my setup so you can see what I did. I don't have any overflow boxes inside my tank and my tank isn't drilled on the bottom either so it's completely safe from failure, water damage.

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It took me and my buddy around 5 hours to complete the job. No, the tank was predrilled, I would be careful if you are going to drill your own, some tanks can't be drilled because it has tempered glass. But as far as water damage, the way mine is set up I don't see that happening even if the pump fails. I also used a 6 ounce tube of aquarium silicone around all of the fittings and connections. I hope I never have to take it apart :banghead: People say that saltwater is hard to take care of, I don't think it is. Yeah it is a little work to get started but after you get everything setup, it should basically take care of itself. The hard part is when something goes wrong in the tank and shit starts to die, it can get REAL expensive.


Alex, get those pics up, I would like to see your setup.

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But as far as water damage, the way mine is set up I don't see that happening even if the pump fails.


Alex, get those pics up, I would like to see your setup.


Anything that is filled with a liquid and has a hole drilled in the bottom of it has the potential to fail and leak IMHO. I personally didn't want to take that risk and that is the reason why I did mine the way I did. My setup doesn't have that risk. I'll take those pics tomorrow.

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WTF, drako, no love? :jester::dunno::jester:

Dont worry I am with you in spirit! :ughdance:

I just got back on sunday....my reptiles heater was disconnected... :uhoh: She's ok....after freaking out at my snake popsicle I turn around and look at my uber cloudy tank, most of the inverts died ...luckily my corals are tough S.O.B.s :happysad: My nitrates, nitrites, and everything else was through the roof...I love going on vacations but I hate when I come back and the tank goes to hell. Anyways added some bacteria, small water change not to upset them anymore. And everything is back to normal.

But ok mister attention whore, i see its all about YOU! :jester:


I am liking it alot man, I say add a bit more rock...maybe one area only, give it a few caves and maybe some branching rock ;) I love the little cubby hole action you got there, so no one can see the pumps, wasnt sure if it was an overflow or not. Did you paint the back? Looks nice.

Ok now that we are done playing with the fishies....get some CORAL in there!

What lighting are you with anyways? Looks like pc's...everything looks great, I cant wait to see it covered in coral line with a tang or two. :thumbs:

Actually....why dont you just get a 150 gallon and use that little puny 55 gallon as a refugium.... :crazy:

I can only imagine the electrical bill on that....

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