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Exaust too loud!


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I had the same issue with my neighbor. I worked 2nd shift and took my truck to work once a week and came home around 2AM. I was VERY careful to not goose the throttle out of respect but I guess it wasn't good enough. I am good friends with several neighbors and a couple of them told me that the one neighbor gets pissed about my truck. This guy NEVER approached me about it so I never thought anything of it. He would cut his lawn at 8AM when I am sleeping and I never said anything either. His house went on the market and sold with in a week and when they were moving, he came over (I was working in the garage) and gave me a piece of his mind (states he is moving because of my disturbing (truck)). I was calm and collected but it was the wrong way to bring it up.


Bottom line, if he talked to me about my truck early on and not behind my back, I would have only taken my truck out during "normal" hours and would have totally respected his wishes. So that being said, I feel it was the propper way to ask and the propper way to address the situation. Nice job! ...but I wouldn't change my exhaust, I would ask if there was anything else I could do first.

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i def think Bob up there with his panties ina bunch needs to pop a couple of pills and relax, bro if i lived next to Bobo over here id probly knock his ass out, and b4 u say anything bob dont run ya mouth, cause no one care what u have to say, take ur old ass back to ya couch, polish off another 6 pack and eat ya doritos garden city bitch........


BYN is here....!


Is it me or did the collective IQ of the entire forum just drop a few points with that response. oh and lets not forget the apparent mastery of the English language that has just been so graciously bestowed upon us.


Let me put that in words you can understand: F*** off

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I have heard your exhaust and it freaking loud but I have loud exhaust also and my mom hates it she wanted me to change it and I told her sure no prob but it takes a little something called money so if she wanted to pay for it than ill change it :jester:

lol I haven’t changed my exhaust in stead I park as far away from my moms room as possable (you would have to see the way are driveway is) and than I idle out the driveway and down the street for about 500 ft than slowly give it more gas to make it to work on time: driving: also note when its cold out your exhaust noise carries even further due to the fact that the air is less dense causing the sound to travel further. as far as coasting to your house with the truck turned off don’t do it its hard as hell to steer a awd truck with no power steering. I’ve tried it could have been bad....... :banghead: but I saved it you will find that your breaks don’t work as well too.



Chris- :chevy:

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Is it me or did the hostility of the entire forum just raise a few points with that response. oh and lets not forget the apparent mastery of the English language that has just been so graciously bestowed upon us.


Let me put that in words you can understand: BYN Is here!


hahahahha, mastery of the english language, i like that, but my comment was'nt towards you, you have no say in what is being discussed, reason one you dont drive an SS, so keep dreaming, and two, you have no fight in what i said so you attack my choice of dialect which i chose to type in simply because its faster than proper grammer. but hey thanks for playing!


on to the topic, my bro up here who started to topic, like i said, let me know how the maggies work out for ya, send a sound clip to Bob for his approval, and bob, i take it back. i was hot headed, my appoligies to ya...



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"hahahahha, mastery of the english language, i like that, but my comment was'nt towards you, you have no say in what is being discussed, reason one you dont drive an SS, so keep dreaming, and two, you have no fight in what i said so you attack my choice of dialect which i chose to type in simply because its faster than proper grammer. but hey thanks for playing!


on to the topic, my bro up here who started to topic, like i said, let me know how the maggies work out for ya, send a sound clip to Bob for his approval, and bob, i take it back. i was hot headed, my appoligies to ya...





Nice Break-Ya-neckSS, I don't ride in a SS either, but my VHO can beat your SS!! My dad can beat up your dad!!! GROW UP DUDE or get off this site!!! :nono::yellow_loser:

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"hahahahha, mastery of the english language, i like that, but my comment was'nt towards you, you have no say in what is being discussed, reason one you dont drive an SS, so keep dreaming, and two, you have no fight in what i said so you attack my choice of dialect which i chose to type in simply because its faster than proper grammer. but hey thanks for playing!


on to the topic, my bro up here who started to topic, like i said, let me know how the maggies work out for ya, send a sound clip to Bob for his approval, and bob, i take it back. i was hot headed, my appoligies to ya...



Nice Break-Ya-neckSS, I don't ride in a SS either, but my VHO can beat your SS!! My dad can beat up your dad!!! GROW UP DUDE or get off this site!!! :nono::yellow_loser:





BYN - 26DubSS the 2nd? lol. j/k man. But seriously... Bob didn't say shit to you, and you jumped down his throat... so as far as your comment directed towards ZZebes........If he had no say in what was being discussed...then neither did you. :nono::nono: Correct?


hahahahha, mastery of the english language, i like that, but my comment was'nt towards you, you have no say in what is being discussed, reason one you dont drive an SS, so keep dreaming, and two, you have no fight in what i said so you attack my choice of dialect which i chose to type in simply because its faster than proper grammer. but hey thanks for playing!


on to the topic, my bro up here who started to topic, like i said, let me know how the maggies work out for ya, send a sound clip to Bob for his approval, and bob, i take it back. i was hot headed, my appoligies to ya...







We all know that there are many of us young guns in here...as well as a few older ones. We all have our preference as to how our exhaust sounds as well as how hard our system bumps. Correct? I know in my neighborhood, it's not the exhaust that bothers me..it's the damn ricers drivin by @ 2am with their systems up. (as i here the fart can pass by). And Bob is right, no one cares about anyone these days. They only care about themselves, minus the handful. And if you're part of that handful.. i :flag: you.


ssaman, way to be a good neighbor! :flag: i know i would rather be nice to them and have them look out for me... than be a prick and ignore them...and then have someone steal my shit and have "no one see a thing". :nono:



and nixsupersport.... "you say the noise is too loud, i say you're hearing is too good" :thumbs:

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Fallen 1, I just can't stand someone jumping down someone eles throat on here! I've been a memebr on here for a long time now, and I have never EVER "jumped on" or verbally abused someone else on here! We need to preserve the intergrity of this site- and people like RedNeckSS shouldn't be saying stuff like that. Thanks for the message/reply back-but Fallen 1 but I felt like I had to say something. What does it matter that someone dosen't own a SS Silverado on here, does that mean we should block them from posting comments? :dunno:



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I can tell you that I appreciate my neighbor more and more every day. My S10 is a 4.3L with 2 1/2" exhaust from the y-pipe back and no muffler. I've driven vehicles including SSS's with 408 with open cutouts for a few weeks at a time, started vehicles up in the garage after midnight with open headers, etc. The only things he's ever complained about was burnouts in front of the house by friends and an excessively loud cussing incident. Neither of those happen now. If he asked me to be quieter, I would.

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I can tell you that I appreciate my neighbor more and more every day. My S10 is a 4.3L with 2 1/2" exhaust from the y-pipe back and no muffler. I've driven vehicles including SSS's with 408 with open cutouts for a few weeks at a time, started vehicles up in the garage after midnight with open headers, etc. The only things he's ever complained about was burnouts in front of the house by friends and an excessively loud cussing incident. Neither of those happen now. If he asked me to be quieter, I would.


That's what I was talking about. Common decency. Your neighbor respects your right to be loud once in a while and you respect his need for quiet once in a while.


Still trying to figure out how BreakyaneckSS knew I like Doritos and a 6 pack. (pepsi of course). :crackup:

Edited by BOB47 (see edit history)
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That's what I was talking about. Common decency. Your neighbor respects your right to be loud once in a while and you respect his need for quiet once in a while.


Still trying to figure out how BreakyaneckSS knew I like Doritos and a 6 pack. (pepsi of course). :crackup:

Ain't nothing wrong with Doritos and a 6 pack. :thumbs:



I've always driven pretty hot cars with loud (by most people's standards) exhaust, thumpity cams, ect. There's been many a night I've come home at 2, 3, 4 o'clock in the morning. I always tried to be as quiet as possible, and my neighbors knew that. We never had a problem, and I'm sure if we did we would have worked it out somehow. It' all about respect.

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