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anyone having trouble getting on the site at work?

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well i know most work places put up blocks on certain sites that stop you from getting on sss.com. well if that is i found a great proxy that nothing can block no matter what. its https://proxy4.info you can change the number i belive between like 3-20 so it doesnt matter. thats what all the kids here use so hopefully it helps, and if you already new o well. free post lol~~Kyle

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The "S" stands for secure, as in secure site, that's all. As for the IP filter bypass sites, you can also try http://www.otunnel.com, which will do the same thing as that proxy site and there's also atunnel - ztunnel, so you're bound to find one not blocked by your LAN admin!


"Now only if they couldn't track what pages you visit... "


The otunnel.com site does hide the actual sites you are on, they'l all show up as an otunnel search link which looks like a long line of gibberish. Don't know how man LAN admins are wise to what otunnel is though :)

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Keep in mind, logs are kept of where you go. They have more data than they actually look at regularly, but if they see something suspicious, they can get a lot of detail on what you are doing. While they may not have the actual sites you are visiting via the proxy, sooner or later somebody is going to notice that a lot of traffic has been going to the proxy site and plug the hole. They will also notice who has been using it and perhaps assume the worst about what sites you have been visiting. Most larger employers have polices about Internet use at work and disciplinary actions taken for abuse of it. Also, there is usually some boiler plate about privacy expectations (you have none). The company can seize you PC and view cached images, history files, emails, etc. Remember, it is their PC and their network you are using. Keep a low profile and avoid the naughty stuff if you value your job.

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