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wtf people arent like you guys

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Well the true story came out today. I do know the kids brother ,Chris, and he actually came up to me to ask if I went to his house last night, don’t really know the kid that well but he always sees me in my truck and we talked sometimes not a bad kid at all. So I said I think so, and I asked if he lived next to this place. So Chris knew it was my truck once the brother said something about the front plate, so his brother was relaxed after he knew his brother new me. So it was his brother, James or john I think his name is, so when he went into his house he said that some kid just told him that he had a nice truck. He didn’t want to come out because he cut someone off and flipped them off so he thought I was back for revenge. But he came out since he realized it wasn’t the same person. Me and chris talked about the truck and they did the drop together. So I guess I was wrong with calling the guy a di*k here. He was scared because like you guys said didn’t want his ride to jacked. But at least everything is cool now. I will be seeing him around town sometimes.


But as oo poop oo said, I will make my truck better then his to show him up!!! Lol


Thanks guys~~Kyle

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"wtf people arent like you guys" judging by the responses here i would say peole are just like these guys!..lol.

personaly i think everybody needs to :chillpill: out a little bit there either to aggressive, to parnoid, or have been burned before and won't let it go.


if it were me i would of course proceed with caution, not exit my vehical and rolldown the window and gesture for them to pull up.. than ask "can i help you with something" and see where it goe's.


the shoot first and ask questions later mentality don't fly with me, people should of course not trust a stranger but at the same time not instantly judge them to be a threat, and in return coming off with violence and or a bad attitude will offend someone that may have ment no harm.


if i was ever on trial for anything i sure wouldn't want any of these guys on my jury!... this is america :flag: were supposed to believe that you are inocent until proven guilty by law...

and i know i was raised to believe you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover.


i think the whole world is down the toilet because nobody respects or trust each other anymore... imho.


sorry for the :rant: it just bug's me.

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^^^ kind of what i was getting at in the begining. but luckly i know his brother, but some responses that were here made me feel the same way as you. im young and lucky live in a great town, were everyone know everyone, we have like 1 murder every 7-8 years. but once you cross the bridge to the city you have to act like these guy and what they said.

and the shoot first ask questions later thing is right on topic with what some people said. i dont fault them for saying that, just that it can turn into alot more trouble if people acted that way!!!

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^^^ kind of what i was getting at in the begining. but luckly i know his brother, but some responses that were here made me feel the same way as you. im young and lucky live in a great town, were everyone know everyone, we have like 1 murder every 7-8 years. but once you cross the bridge to the city you have to act like these guy and what they said.

and the shoot first ask questions later thing is right on topic with what some people said. i dont fault them for saying that, just that it can turn into alot more trouble if people acted that way!!!

:withstupid: i'm not knocking them either, just pointing out that it's why the world is like it is if everybody tried to be nice first it would be great... but it probably won't happen. :sigh:

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I would have done the same thing man, this day and age how do you know if the guy in front of your house has a gun under is seat........I would have kept going and tried to lose you or something, and I definately wouldn't pull into my driveway if I believe someone is following me....... :eek:

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