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Are you ready for $4 & $5 per gallon?


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This is an interesting topic.


I've already given my input as to the whys for it and how to fix them. No one listened, I just got the flag waved in my face and shouted down with "SUPPORT THE TROOPS!!!"


If they attack Iran, my son and I will be staying in Australia. His life is more important to me than supporting a tin-plated dictator and his buddies' bank accounts.

Edited by StealthSS (see edit history)
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in all seriousness though, gas really isnt THAT high, it just seems high because it kind of jumps up and down but theres a site i read about, its called like inflation calculator.com or something, i dont remember. anyways you can plug in how much gas cost 60 years ago and it will show you with inflation and everything how much it should cost now, and its honestly pretty close, i know its always movin but yea. sounds hard to believe, i know, but its true

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in all seriousness though, gas really isnt THAT high, it just seems high because it kind of jumps up and down but theres a site i read about, its called like inflation calculator.com or something, i dont remember. anyways you can plug in how much gas cost 60 years ago and it will show you with inflation and everything how much it should cost now, and its honestly pretty close, i know its always movin but yea. sounds hard to believe, i know, but its true


The problem with that is it hasn't gone up steadily with inflation. If it had, then gas prices would be no big deal. But jumping up as much as it has in the time that it has is the big problem. Gas was regularly under $1 gallon everywhere less than 10 years ago. We've seen more than a 300% increase since the late 90s.


Oh, and I paid $3.65/gal for 91 octane here in the bay area a few weeks back... :shakehead:

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in all seriousness though, gas really isnt THAT high, it just seems high because it kind of jumps up and down but theres a site i read about, its called like inflation calculator.com or something, i dont remember. anyways you can plug in how much gas cost 60 years ago and it will show you with inflation and everything how much it should cost now, and its honestly pretty close, i know its always movin but yea. sounds hard to believe, i know, but its true

your answer is partly true. Opec was created to control the market, 60 years ago whenever someone would find oil everyone would just use it up till it was dry, no one was really to high on the reserve idea. There was reserves but demand was high around the globe for it. Anyways well would dry up or begin to dry up the price of gas would sky rocket. It would destroy certain economies, this also led way to the involvement in the middle east with big companies and eventually the creation of OPEC. I wish I would have payed more attention to my energies course, Although I remember reading "energy policy in the United States post 1942" or something like that. Gives you the actual background and history. But yeah inflation has made a huge change in everything, its just now there are a lot more cars and for a lot of people, a much longer commute.

The correct answer and solution would be that the US (federal) would have created a top notch public transportation system...but thats another story ;)

Either way, I love my SS. And I will take some more time to ride bike :)



EDIT: I completely side tracked......justin. hit it pretty much on the head with his point. The inflation rate and gas rate has not been growing linear together.

Edited by drako (see edit history)
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