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Are you still lifting weights?


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4-5 months ago I was a solid 235lb's, benching 370, deadlifting 600 max and running 2-3 miles daily. A broken hand, new girlfriend and cheesburgers lead me to a out of shape 250lbs. Starting to get back into the swing of things last week. Hopefully I will be somewhere close to where I was before in the next 3 or 4 months.

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my problem is sleep. im not good at it. i work early in the morning and hit the gym at around 11 pm so i only sleep for about 5 hours. i sleep a few when i get home but not near enough.

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I haven't worked out for a while now, but I am trying to get bcak into it.. i am in similar situation to chase, because i wake up early for work, and don't get to the gym till like 11 pm, and by then I am almost spent.. I have also lost a lot of strength, and don't eat very healthy so it is killing my motivation..

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my problem is sleep. im not good at it. i work early in the morning and hit the gym at around 11 pm so i only sleep for about 5 hours. i sleep a few when i get home but not near enough.


Supplements could really help you out here. Take some pre work boosters so you have tons of energry thru your workout. I personally took a during work out booster that helped me out alot. I was benching 275 after only working out for 4 months but i retained alot of muscle memory from hs football and working out my first deployment. Eating over there was eating what you have and sometimes not knowing or caring how good it is for your body. A good source of vitamins for people that are working out is animal pak. They have differnt paks based off of what you want. IF you wanan get big or just be all around good athletic shape. Everybody's body responds differntly to certain supplements so if you dont feel something is helping at all dont be afraid to to switch. If you dont feel like supplements are good for you body take centrum vitamins they do help.

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yea i learned the hard way, u gotta get enough sleep for your muscles to grow and repair. Or else you hit a plateau that you cant EVER get over! Over the past few months I have really gotten myself into a good workout regiment, so far its paying off.

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:withstupid: My problem too. I eat right but can't hit the rack early enough.


Mr. P.

:withstupid: Me too, why, I rarely get more than 8-9 hours tops! LOL! :yellow_loser:


I've been really lucky to have normal hours, at least until on call week came around. I found that if I eat an Uncle Ben's Ready Made Rice pouch about 30-45 minutes before the gym I power right through the workout, with a creatine protein powder shake right after. If I need an extra boost, I drink an energy drink (nothing with cafeene) right before working out as well as they tend to wear off quickly and don't effect my sleep cycle.


Unsalted cashews are another good source, as are tuna (in water), whole wheat pasta, and low fat dairy items.


Tonight: Pull excercises. Curls, wide chins, curls, iso-rows, curls, knee jerks (hold dumbell knee high in bent over stance, jerk to chest), and more curls.


Oh, look at that, my biceps are getting excited already! :jester:


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Man I just don't have the time or motivation to work out anymore. I really need to get on a good set schedule real soon. I do play basketball Wed and Fri mornings from 6 till 7:30 or 8:00 before work. That usually keeps my weight down to 190 or so. How many days a week do I need to lift to keep my chest in shape? I was thinking 2 days a week would be fine since that's how we did it in college. Our coaches had a good workout setup for us. I usually will do bench press, incline press, dumbell bench press and dumbell incline press to keep my chest in shape. Is that enough?

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Man I just don't have the time or motivation to work out anymore. I really need to get on a good set schedule real soon. I do play basketball Wed and Fri mornings from 6 till 7:30 or 8:00 before work. That usually keeps my weight down to 190 or so. How many days a week do I need to lift to keep my chest in shape? I was thinking 2 days a week would be fine since that's how we did it in college. Our coaches had a good workout setup for us. I usually will do bench press, incline press, dumbell bench press and dumbell incline press to keep my chest in shape. Is that enough?


If you're going for chest (pecs) then I'd add a butterfly in there, either machine, fly cables, or dumbell.

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ive been moving up latlely . been going to the gym still 4 times a week , spending about 1 1/2-2 hours a day. im up to benching almost 2 plates max, repping 180 10 times , im also preacher curling 120 10x . i really only focus on my upper body though. ive been sleeping more just not at the same time. i sleep for about 3 hours after work , wake up hit the gym then come home to a cookies n cream muscle milk and sleep for another 4-5 hours. now i know your supposed to get 8 hours of sleep a day but does it have to be at the same time? also ive been taking superdrol, or m drol anyone else try it? ive been on it for a few days and havent seen anythign good or bad yet. i was taking red acid to lose weight and i sure did. from 182 to a constant 174 now im trying to gain again but only muscle. i eat about 200 grams of protein a day sometimes healthy sometimes not. i generally try to only eat one bad meal a day ( cheesburger , pizza, etc) besides that i start off with a bowl of cheerios, a non fat yogurt, then a few hours later , a banana , apple and a granola bar. , then usually a club samich for lunch. also been drinking alot of propel i like dat shit. oh did i mention those muscle milk shakes are f;n good!!

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Nothing better than a handful of D-bols, a couple of shots of sustenon-250 and finish it up with a nice helping of Equipose or deca. Oh and lift heavy and eat a lot.


i don't feel like dieing at an early age, i'll leave that to proffesional bodybuilders.

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