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Are you still lifting weights?


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Old thread last year. I've just been wondering where any of you guys have gone to after this thread last year about lifting. I'm still going up in weights even after about 2 years in this hobby.


I'm up in bench to 265 X 4 and can 1 rep over 275-ish... I hope to hit 1 X 300-ish by the end of this year. Triceps are ripped pretty good, hurt a peck/rib about mid year which slowed me way down here (bar came down to quickly on my chest while going for burnout). That was last summer and it took unti about Christmas until I was back up to last year's weights at about this time. Hopefully this year will be injury free.


My dead lift and squat are hurting in the last few weeks because I broke my left foot and pinky toe a few months ago. I just got back into each one last week and did well for my first time back. Did 225 X 10, 275 X 8, 315 X 8, 365 X 8 on squat, 225 X 10, 275 X 10, 315 X 8, 365 X 8, 415 X 6 dead lift.


Preacher curls (easy curl bar) are coming on strong at 135 X 8, 145 X 6, 155 X 4, then dumbells at 60 X 10, 50 X 10, 40 till burn out, rest, then 50 X 10, 40 X 10, 30 til burnout, repeat until totalled.


Last year I did it all with Superdroll/etc. This year it's all on creatine/protein shakes and that's it, nothing else but vitamins for joint health and good skin (fish oils, vitamin E, B complex). No bulk sessions or cut sessions this time, just maintaining things on a even maintenance schedule. I workout 4 nights a week with push on Monday, pull on Tuesday, legs Thursday, abs and Dead lift Friday. Each day includes 20-30 minutes cardio after lifting.

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good stuff, but I would say to drop the cardio after your work out sessions. You should do cardio either in the morning and lift at night or vise versa. After lifting you need all the nutrients possible to absorb into your muscles and cardio is taking away from that right after your session.


As for me, I havent been able to lift much at all, work burns me out to much but I just stated making myself go more often. My back, traps, and lats are getting pretty big though from working and carrying ladders all damn day, but its time to go harder on the weights. That superdrol is some good stuff isnt it, i had great results off that stuff about 2yrs ago, may do another 3 week cycle over summer possibly.

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I have to have some cardio and I can't afford the extra time to do two workouts a day. It's been working well for me and I've lost 11 pounds of "winter weight" without any other changes just by adding the eliptical machine for 20-30 minutes 4 days a week. As long as the strength keeps going up, I'll do it this way. Of course I rotate in 4-6 week long workout programs to change back and forth from ventricular vs. muscular hypertrophy anyway. I have a need to stay balanced, not gain everything I can at all costs of my heart health/etc.


That's one reason I won't be doing the pheromones or progressive testosterone drugs any longer. I did get some good gains the first cycle of Superdrol, but the 2nd and 3rd cycles didn't do squat for me, nor did Hyperdrol, Mass FX, or Anabolic Xtreme. I'm getting back to being healthy and natural gains...

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I really want/need to get back into lifting. Two years I was big into it. The thing that is holding me back is I get bad tendonitis in my forearms every time I lift. Have you guys every experienced this, and if so, what did you do to overcome it?


Right now I am seeing a massage therapist and she is working on my arms to get the loosened up. I have also been just taking a 15 pound dumbell and slowly strengthening my arms.

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Wraps and therapy man...

I used to be big into lifting while I was in sports in High School. A few nasty spills left me with ripped up Meniscus. Its ok now, but not amazing.

I plan hitting the gym, running etc as soon as I get classes because I am depressed at my current state of health

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I'm on a Phera-plex/Ergomax LMG cycle right now. Actually, my first cycle ever. I just started less than a week ago. I do cardio every day- usually about 35-40 mins on the eliptical and then weights. I have a pretty torn-up knee (back in '03 I tore my ACL/MCL and the most meniscus/cartilage repair doctor said he ever had to do,) so I have to get my knee warmed up before working out. I know it wears me down more for weights, but I also notice it gets my heart rate up more which makes me more amped to lift.

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andro is good only if you don't abuse it. they banned it because teenagers were buying it and using way more then the recommended dosage and parents were starting to sew the companies because kids were messing up there bodies bad. if it wasn't for those little shits, we could still buy it. i had some very good results from it when i took it. it's sad the fda had to ban it.

Edited by BlackSS04 (see edit history)
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So far, I can tell I've gotten a lot bigger in the shoulders and arms and my abs are startin to come along. I wasn't sure if I should do Phera first, or Ergo. I decided to do Phera first 3 weeks (20mg/20/30) and then switch and increase the amount when I start Ergo for final 2 weeks (30mg/30).


My PCT looks like this:


Weeks 1-2: (everything listed is per day)

Cycle Support (Anabolic Innovations)

Nolva 40mg

Rebound XT 50mg

Retain 100mg


Weeks 3-4:

Cycle Support

Nolva 20mg

Rebound XT 25mg

Retain 50mg


I also just ordered some ALRI Restore to add to PCT.

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ive recently started to hit the gym 5 times a week. i run 2-3 times a week. 1-2 miles on a slight incline. and i have been making good progress on weights. nothing impressive yet but im going up 5-10 lbs on every thign each week. im hopin gto weigh close to 200 by end of summer and bench 300. right now im at 180 and im benching close to 200. preacher curls im up 135 x 8 . i try to swithc things up weekly . havent gone on anythign yet but i need to los more fat.

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ive recently started to hit the gym 5 times a week. i run 2-3 times a week. 1-2 miles on a slight incline. and i have been making good progress on weights. nothing impressive yet but im going up 5-10 lbs on every thign each week. im hopin gto weigh close to 200 by end of summer and bench 300. right now im at 180 and im benching close to 200. preacher curls im up 135 x 8 . i try to swithc things up weekly . havent gone on anythign yet but i need to los more fat.

So your squatting 200?

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yeah 200 is pretty easy. i havent squatted in two weeks and i did 200 8--10x then .

Yeah, I really need to get back in the game. I used to be able to rep 285 easily on my small frame. :-\

Need to get back in shape. Not just for me, but for some weight reduction for the truck :D

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Well back into the swing of things, did another arm workout after work and my intensity totally sucked, down 1/3rd on both weights and reps. :shakehead: It took a good week to get my sleep cycle back to normal after hacking a week on graveyard hours in ABQ. God I hate that place. Tomorrow = lunges.


Mr. P. :)

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