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but you still want to know why somebody would do a thing like this


Because we are human and we live in a very selfish all about "me" society. I'm sure it will come back that the kid was failing and his parents put all this crap rpessure on him to not fail etc. Or there were some kids that mocked him or made fun of him for some reason. Seriously, bullying and mocking in all forms is very common in all places, school, college, and even the work place. I see everyday someone try to put someone else down and you knwo what? It hurts peoples feelings. I'm not talking about someone who farts or sharts at work oneday and they are the but of every joke for a month (although that would be funny if someone did that). I'm talking about the same average overweight guy who never wears deodorant with hsi thick glasses or the person who always says something out of wack that everyone makes fun of him for. Worth killing someone? No, but would it make someone do it? hell yes. It will only get worse before it can get better. I bet this isnt the last shooting of the year either.


Its really sad that it happened.

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the thing that i cannot believe is that there was 2 HOURS between the shootings. there was a shooting around 7 and then one around 9. when the school found out about the first one, they didnt cancel classes or anything, just told students to be careful and that they were investigating, then i guess the shooter continuted like 1/2 a mile away killing 21 more people. and apparently there were bomb threats all last week. it just shows very very poor judgement on the school, IMO.


none the less my heart and prayers go out to all the victims, the families, the professors, and everyone else involved in this tragedy.


:withstupid: I thought the same thing ... why the delay? Why did it go ignored? Poor judgement indeed.

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truly a sad thing to happen. Didnt they say the kid was looking for his girlfriend and was lining people up asking where she was then shooting them? At least something like that was said on the news but cant remember exactly

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It is a left wing conspiracy to accelerate the confiscation of all guns in the U.S so the Socialist/Marxist can take over without firing a shot. Nancy Peloci was over in the Middle East negotiating the money transaction for this terrible deed with Syria just a few days ago. :pop:


Damn, this Moonbat shit is easy.

Oh yeah Moonbats are on the left.


Sad day for sure.

How are they going to blame Bush for this one???

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How are they going to blame Bush for this one???
Easy, he is responsible for letting congress let the high capacity magazine ban and assault weapon ban expire. If they renewed it, this wouldnt have happened! (read as sarcastic)


you would risk going to prison just for protection? i'd be switching schools if its that bad where you went/go.....


Yes. I do not honor laws that delibrately prohibit the right to protect my personal well being. As far as getting caught? No one would ever know. Cant search my bag without probable cause and I made dam sure I never gave anyone probable cause. Cant search my vehicle either. Besides, the only way I would ever get caught is if A) I showed it to someone or told someone on campus which would be plain stupid and I would deserve to go to jail or B) used it for protection in which case if I used it to kill a violent attacker, they would probably be grateful and if not, I would gladly serve 5-10years in prison for illegally using a firearm to save the lives of many.


My point is imagine if ONE student or faculty member had been armed...


It is a tragedy and events like this will unfortunately continue to happen around the country over time. I'm sure you will see stepped police patrols and other security measures at schools around the nation, but it wont stop all of the violence.

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My thoughts and prayers are with the VT familes and friends.


Every one is so quick to jump and blame the school for not letting it be known faster. It takes a little time to get organized to make a judgement to shut down a 30k people campus. I agree they might could have let the campus know that there was a murder but i am sure they thought shuting down the school was a drastic measure. Whos to say that they shut down campus yesterday and opened it back up today and the shooter waited until today to do the shooting but killed 50.

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My thoughts and prayers are with the VT familes and friends.


Every one is so quick to jump and blame the school for not letting it be known faster. It takes a little time to get organized to make a judgement to shut down a 30k people campus. I agree they might could have let the campus know that there was a murder but i am sure they thought shuting down the school was a drastic measure. Whos to say that they shut down campus yesterday and opened it back up today and the shooter waited until today to do the shooting but killed 50.

:withstupid: Hind sight is always 20/20.
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Anyone who practices enough can use two 9mm pistols to their full potential. The key is reloading clips. A well trained individual can go through 10x10round (100rounds) clips in well under 30 seconds and hit the target every shot. Hell, I can do 4 clips in seconds and maybe only have 1-2% stray almost off the paper at 30ft. Most cheap 9mm semi-auto pistols will jam up or overheat at that rate though or the failure will be from a bad casing or a misfire.


Here's how I look at it. I really feel sorry for the loss of life for the families. My roommate is severly affected by it as well as she went to UVA and knows alot of people from VT including some professors (she's 41). Everyone is screaming about gun control now. Nobody screams for the banning of 400+hp cars! How many deaths have occured in the last couple of months due to high horsepower vehicles in the hands of people who dont know how to use them? Well...the responsible ones shouldnt have their rights taken away right? Why do we even need cars that will do 100mph? Seriously? There is no need. If we lock up our guns, we should lock up every car that can do 100 or better...save as many lives as we can. Will it happen? Nope. Mostly because someone rarely gets in a car and decides he is going to take out 30+ people...but if he kills just one accidentally was it worth it? Was it an accident at all knowing the power of the car? Lets ban everything that kills more than 40,000 americans per year...seriously. including smoking...ban it all.

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I dont think guns and cars are a fair comparison. The difference being is the motive used. Cars can used a deadly weapon, and there has been many cases with this in point. The sole purpose of a gun is for the use of a deadly weapon.

The smoking issue is right up there with obesity, there has been talk of even suing McDonalds etc. Sadly smoking is also a drug that is highly addictive. Many many deaths come from just the two mentioned issues right here. I think more education should be more widespread about this; at least the others dont die in vain.

But back to the topic, I am not all anti gun. But I would not compare something thats its sole function and design is to kill something with a vehicle (which can be used for deadly force).

Statistics can be very very very easily manipulated.

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Anyone who practices enough can use two 9mm pistols to their full potential. The key is reloading clips. A well trained individual can go through 10x10round (100rounds) clips in well under 30 seconds and hit the target every shot. Hell, I can do 4 clips in seconds and maybe only have 1-2% stray almost off the paper at 30ft. Most cheap 9mm semi-auto pistols will jam up or overheat at that rate though or the failure will be from a bad casing or a misfire.


Here's how I look at it. I really feel sorry for the loss of life for the families. My roommate is severly affected by it as well as she went to UVA and knows alot of people from VT including some professors (she's 41). Everyone is screaming about gun control now. Nobody screams for the banning of 400+hp cars! How many deaths have occured in the last couple of months due to high horsepower vehicles in the hands of people who dont know how to use them? Well...the responsible ones shouldnt have their rights taken away right? Why do we even need cars that will do 100mph? Seriously? There is no need. If we lock up our guns, we should lock up every car that can do 100 or better...save as many lives as we can. Will it happen? Nope. Mostly because someone rarely gets in a car and decides he is going to take out 30+ people...but if he kills just one accidentally was it worth it? Was it an accident at all knowing the power of the car? Lets ban everything that kills more than 40,000 americans per year...seriously. including smoking...ban it all.



Well you sure dont see high horsepower cars kill 30+ people in couple hour time frame, and with them finding 2 reciepts for the guns in his backpack it is going to set the gun control freaks into a panic! I do think if they change the laws it will only most affect those who do it the right way and are not buying them to rob or murder someone. But if this kid was just able to walk into a gun store and buy 2 9mm guns, theres a big problem especially seeing as this kid was a exchange student from south korea.

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I would be willing to bet 100% my life that if we banned vehicles over even 300hp and that can go over 90mph, banned alcohol, and banned smoking, we would eliminate unnecessary deaths in the US alone by over 50%. Why wouldnt it be worth it? I mean, if you want to go that fast, tow your high horsepower car to the track, run it, tow it home, risks of death are greatly reduced. Why not? If I was to setup a coffee can in my back yard and touch off ten rounds, and hurt no one, I would go to jail for at least a couple of years and never ever be allowed to own a weapon again. But if I get in my truck and drive up to 120mph down the freeway weaving between cars, I might MIGHT lose my license for a year, maybe 6 months, Maybe go to jail for 15-30days, and be back on the road within a year in the same car...how is it different?

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