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Its has nothing to do about how he got the guns, and having guns isn't the problem. Like some one said if he didn't have a gun and his mind was set he was going to kill some way. They found manuals on how to make bombs in his dorm so him not being able to get a gun wouldn't have stopped him.


I talked to one of my buddys this moring that graduated from VT and he lives within 1/2 mile from the shooters partents in the same community and they have even been to the dry cleaners his parents own. Talk about hitting close to home.

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this really sickens me, they interveiwed a kid that got shot in the arm, said after he was shot he just played dead as the shooter went around the entire room and killed everyone. and how about that professior who is a holocoust survivor who held the door shut from the shooter until all his students were out the window before the shooter came in and took the professors life. makes you wish you could have met him in your lifetime. its really sad and i hop everyone can pray for the friends and families because you can only imagine what they are going through.

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:withstupid: There are many thing within an arms reach of me that I could use to kill someone if I wanted to. Problem is that society has to blame something. It has to be the gun, the school, his little league baseball coach, or some mental disease or defect that hasn't been found yet, because we just thought of it. Fact of the matter is that the dude went nuts, killed 32 people, then offed himself, and by doing so, imho, he got off easy!!


Extremism in any form is bad. Whether it be liberal or conservative. The sooner that we can remove the labels, consevative, liberal, dem, rep, black, white, hispanic, ect., the better off we'll be. Maybe then we can get past this racial BS, too.


:withstupid: Yeah I'm really tired of people blaming their problems on others. I was in High School a few years back and I swear, every damn day I would hear someone says "Damn man, I failed that test so bad! But it wasn't my fault! That teacher can't teach!" No...You just didnt study enough to pass the test. And it wasn't the guns fault he shot all of those people, it was his. I don't know if anyone has ever watched Larry the Cable Guy but I think he put it best when he said "If guns are to blame for killing people then I can blame my pencil on misspelled words..."

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My prayers go out to all those who were affected...


If you look at the things the government has tried to control in the past and present it has never worked the way they plan someone always finds ways around the laws. prohibition didn't work you had a black market and boot leggers today even though certain drugs are illeagel there is a black market ... ( if you ask me the U.S. would do better to leagalize drugs and tax the hell out of them, but thats another story) Making tougher gun laws or trying to ban guns will just have the same affect...


Regardless I'm sure that there will be some tougher laws coming up especially with the dems taking over...

Time to send the NRA a extra contribution

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this really sickens me, they interveiwed a kid that got shot in the arm, said after he was shot he just played dead as the shooter went around the entire room and killed everyone. and how about that professior who is a holocoust survivor who held the door shut from the shooter until all his students were out the window before the shooter came in and took the professors life. makes you wish you could have met him in your lifetime. its really sad and i hop everyone can pray for the friends and families because you can only imagine what they are going through.


I saw a great piece on the news last night about that professor. He led an absolutely amazing life. He was in a concentration camp because he gave the big middle finger to Hitler. He was released only after the Prime Minister of Israel personally intervened on his behalf. He was in his '70s and holding that door closed against that nutjob so his kids could get to safety. Flat-out, straight up American hero, no question about it.


Oh, and was somebody talking about banning high HP cars and trucks? Listen, the Toyota Corolla forum is over there, this is reserved for High HP Silverados.

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and it gets creepier. Now we know what he was doing in the 2 hours that he wasn't blasting people.....he was sending pictures, diaries, and whatnot to NBC. those pictures are really creepy




the mainstream media should now begin to blame themselves, but do you think that is going to happen?

Edited by TexaSS (see edit history)
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The media needs to stop giving this guy coverage. Do something good for the world, nobody knows your name. Kill a bunch of people, then become a household name. They should focus more on the innocent people who lost their lives, and the heros who tried to save lives and stop this nutjob.

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