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I was thinking we could have a on the beach In New Jersey Seaside State Park . :thumbs: We can bring the grills and cook on the beach and also have trucks on beach (or near by ) . We get pics with the on the beach and have alot fun . Bring your wifes and kids and friends . It is summer time :pop: Im thinking the 5-19-07 or

6-2-07 if the days good let me know when. Just the big thing we have to bring food and drinks . We can not take deer on the beach :banghead: no big deal . Thnaks Mark


Island State Park Info


5/19 is ocean city cruise weekend, so i wouldn't do it then. i'd be interested if i can get off work.



"We can not take deer on the beach " why can't we take deer on the beach? are they afraid they well run around and cause trouble? lol

5/19 is ocean city cruise weekend, so i wouldn't do it then. i'd be interested if i can get off work.

"We can not take deer on the beach " why can't we take deer on the beach? are they afraid they well run around and cause trouble? lol


I forgot about OC cruise weekend .I think are afraid that someone could get into troule :crackup: But we can have it off the beach In the water :crackup:


Im looking more to 6-2-07 will that work with everyone ?



I'd be down for that. I will be in the neighborhood that weekend.


Don't forget that is Dover weekend for NASCAR. Things may be a little tight/overcrowded. We head down to Atlantic City and make camp there, and head to the race on Sunday. Been doing that for 7 years now. Only Problem, We will be in the Mini-Van rental ...


I might just stop by!!!!

I'd be down for that. I will be in the neighborhood that weekend.


Don't forget that is Dover weekend for NASCAR. Things may be a little tight/overcrowded. We head down to Atlantic City and make camp there, and head to the race on Sunday. Been doing that for 7 years now. Only Problem, We will be in the Mini-Van rental ...


I might just stop by!!!!


I will be at Dover also on Sunday . I have seats in the consio by turn 3. I had seats by turn for a long time then I was ask for an upgrade . :cheers:

Seems like some people can't do one or the other..I have a solution..let's do both dates :D

that is a good idea , but OC Md. is the weekend of the 19th so ...........

I will be at Dover also on Sunday . I have seats in the consio by turn 3. I had seats by turn for a long time then I was ask for an upgrade . :cheers:


We are in Turn 2 ... Way up High ... Would like to up grade too, someday ... But my seats are EXTREMELEY CLOSE to the BATHROOMS :thumbs::thumbs: If you know what I mean.


3 Cops and a Pilot .... sounds like a Joke, but Man O' Man, It's one of the best times of the year!!!!

I'd be down for that. I will be in the neighborhood that weekend.


Don't forget that is Dover weekend for NASCAR. Things may be a little tight/overcrowded. We head down to Atlantic City and make camp there, and head to the race on Sunday. Been doing that for 7 years now. Only Problem, We will be in the Mini-Van rental ...


I might just stop by!!!!




i forgot about that ...ahhhh sitting in traffic on rt1 :mad::mad::mad: ...for some reason i always end up going down to va on race weekend


Well 5-19 looks good for my but 6-2 i"ll be on already on the beach haha, racing my quad. THUNDER IN THE SAND in Wildwood,NJ from June 1st to the 3rd and I have these girls from Tennessee that i met down in Florida on spring break and they are also coming up that weekend. To see race, party on the beach and wat not. BUt if i cant make its all good though I'[ll be having fun no matter what. My SSS will be on the beach but like 100 miles from u guys lol

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