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your DRE is public information friend. what kind of horsechit broker are you that doesnt know that? any client, basically anyone can ask you for your DRE number. that number doesnt mean chit!!! you said so yourself that its public record. you opened pandora's box by spouting off how you lived on park avenue with nicolas cage. and i wasnt the one coming off like the messiah of real estate was i?


seriously, i really dont give a rats cornhole where you live but after your 5th post when you come in and disrespect one of the MOST RESPECTED members on here then yeah im gonna call you on it. and if you got a problem with it thats too phuckin bad. just like you said, wtf are you gonna do about it? slap me around from behind your computer? im sure.


:withstupid: seriously dude who cares where you live and who you live next to. why would you say something so disrespectful just because you THINK you are hot shit. i don't think anyone here cares to hear about your lifestyle.

i don't. now go tell nick cage about this.


you can find me at 3079 South Harbor in Santa Ana Mon-Thurs from 6:30pm - 9:30pm..


where is the next california meet going to be?

Edited by wody (see edit history)
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Liek I said... go ahead and try to sell that $3million dollar home. I doubt anyone who would want to live out in the Inland Empire would make the kind of money necessary to pay the mortgage on a house at that price. Until you have the money in hand, it isnt worth sh!t.


But this brings me back to my point exactly... here we go with another douchbag sticking up for the Inland Empire. Why do you guys get so offended? Its because you know deep down inside its where the crackheads go for their fix, and its in the middle of nowhere. You guys think what you want, but as I am sitting on my deck watching the ocean in 75 degree weather this summer, you guys can crank up your AC units and sit in dry 110 degree weather watching all the 'homies' hit up the Galleria and Moreno Valley malls just to get some cool air conditioning because their welfare checks wont be able to cover their electricity bills.


As for your parents selling 1 billion in property? Wow. My parents have a lot of money too. I dont brag about how they make their money. I make my OWN money, and have personally made my fortune on my own without mommy and daddy's help. Assuming you are some 21-25yr old 'prick', you have no idea what I am talking about, so go ahead and flatter yourself about your parents accomplishments and live in their success and stand in their shadow.


By the way, bragging about selling $1 billion in land in the Inland Empire is like bragging about selling $1 billion in meth and crack cocaine. No one cares that your parents sold property to builders who are creating nesting sites for meth labs.

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:withstupid: seriously dude who cares where you live and who you live next to. why would you say something so disrespectful just because you THINK you are hot shit. i don't think anyone here cares to hear about your lifestyle.

i don't. now go tell nick cage about this.




where is the next california meet going to be?



If you are implying you would like to meet in person, then come on down. I am always looking for a good training partner. Take the address, punch it into your navigation with your greasy little fingers, and lets meet up. I am sure you are tough right? You may want to eat your Wheaties before hand though.

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If you are implying you would like to meet in person, then come on down. I am always looking for a good training partner. Take the address, punch it into your navigation with your greasy little fingers, and lets meet up. I am sure you are tough right? You may want to eat your Wheaties before hand though.


thats just dumb


i call bullshit on this guy.

Edited by wody (see edit history)
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thats just dumb


i call bullshit on this guy.



You guys seem to do a lot of calling out on me, and I give you my address of where I am most of the weeknights... and I am bullshit? Dont make excuses.. like anyone would actually just show up anyways.. thats why I dont give a shit if I posted the address, no one has the balls to do it anyways.

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You guys seem to do a lot of calling out on me, and I give you my address of where I am most of the weeknights... and I am bullshit? Dont make excuses.. like anyone would actually just show up anyways.. thats why I dont give a shit if I posted the address, no one has the balls to do it anyways.


why do you want to fight everybody?

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Your all talk and no walk. You really have some big balls giving out the address to an unknown place where your occasionally at between laguna beach re runs and sucking Nicholas cages slong. Wipe the jiz of your face, turn off the OC, jump into the miata and drive down to the local starbucks where somebody actually gives a shit about your opinion. You come to this forum talking shit about the hometown of many members on this forum for no reason and wonder why where calling you out. People like you give Californians a bad name. You think your better than everybody else. Oh and about the wheaties comment. Feel free to drop by my house any time and tell me if I need some. That is if you have the balls to unlock your car and get out. Im done wasting my time with this jerk. Somebody ban this prick before he gets hurt!!!


You guys seem to do a lot of calling out on me, and I give you my address of where I am most of the weeknights... and I am bullshit? Dont make excuses.. like anyone would actually just show up anyways.. thats why I dont give a shit if I posted the address, no one has the balls to do it anyways.

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Out of respect for someone I would never call them out about the area they live.... sounds to me like someone wanted to brag about where they live.... I have no idea how each area is but to say those things about someone's neighborhood is disrespectful.... you say you always treat people like they are right in front of you, then why don't you act like it.... this is a forum where we find a common bond in the trucks that we drive, no one should be disrespected that way, and especally if he/she is a fellow SS owner.

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I think what Rivera was trying to do was see if you were bluffing/talking out of your ass.

I guess your not, but you have quite some tone man. Evil (and some of the guys arguing) sound like a bunch of kids talking about their toys and why which one is better.

Yes renting is bad for the area. However Chase is 22 and just starting to get his life together. There are good renters and bad renters and if I had to choose Chase would be one of the people I would like to have as a neighbor. Mostly because hes a nice guy, and really does not go off and get pisst on a rant. All he did was defend his new home man, you shouldnt go all up in arms about it. I know a bit of real estate, my sister is a real estate attorney and I was gonna work for Fortune International Realty however I realized that real estate is not for me, its not my passion. (just giving you my background)

I am sure that your a great guy, with a ton of knowledge but seriously there is a better way, as well as a more mature way of dealing it besides mouthing out and acting like a jerk.

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I think what Rivera was trying to do was see if you were bluffing/talking out of your ass.

I guess your not, but you have quite some tone man. Evil (and some of the guys arguing) sound like a bunch of kids talking about their toys and why which one is better.

Yes renting is bad for the area. However Chase is 22 and just starting to get his life together. There are good renters and bad renters and if I had to choose Chase would be one of the people I would like to have as a neighbor. Mostly because hes a nice guy, and really does not go off and get pisst on a rant. All he did was defend his new home man, you shouldnt go all up in arms about it. I know a bit of real estate, my sister is a real estate attorney and I was gonna work for Fortune International Realty however I realized that real estate is not for me, its not my passion. (just giving you my background)

I am sure that your a great guy, with a ton of knowledge but seriously there is a better way, as well as a more mature way of dealing it besides mouthing out and acting like a jerk.




If this was a CA Real Estate site ... I could maybe understand these posts ... but dude ... this site is for our trucks. Not for someone to come in and start picking fights with people. The main reason that everyone here is defending CHASE (Notice NOT ALL that are defending him are from CA) is because we all know of him, and most of us have met him in person and he's a great guy. CHASE has also been here much longer than you and his reputation precedes him.


The other good point is that he's 22 and starting out. I did the same thing here in NC when I first moved here w/ my GF. We started off in an apt. on one of the low-rent sides of town (NO SHAME) and we worked our way into a much nicer neighborhood in less than a year.


You just need to sit back, :chillpill: about this real estate nonsense, and talk about your truck. :cheers:

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I don't think EvilSS had any idea who he was bashin... and how many would take the lead in the rippin him a new one....


Where's the next cali meet..... :lol:


ANYWAYS.... nice pad chase! might want to keep a can of crackhead b gone though, for all those "homies" trying to scam some AC from ya!


Definitely nice to get out of range of the habitual bitching!!!! No pics of mine yet.... still working on the bathroom remodel.... and w/ 2 kids and a big truck payment not too much money to make the pad spectacular, besides the kids would take care of anything nice in no time!!!

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Ok, this went south quick. Calm down guys. Evil, this thread is about pictures and conversation. Making comments like that aren't needed, ease up a bit.

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