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Hey fellas on 4/20 i was in a minor accident,I was 1/2 a car lenght behind a landscaping truck and we were both stopped at a red light when this guy puts the truck in reverse and backs into me causing a small puncture in my front bumper approx.1000.00 bucks in damage.Here is my problem the driver only had a mexican driver license and the truck owner who is also mexican didnot have the truck registered or insured since 2006.I have talked to the truck owner once but he says the estimate is to high,keep in mind i did not include a price for car rental for a day or two while the car is in the shop.My problen now is the guy has moved and not left a forwarding number or address,if this guy tries to stiff me what could i do to try and cover myself and get my car repaired,could i take him to small claims court,should i call the dmv and explain things to them?this truck and his driver were totally illegal and should not have been on the road,any advice would be appreciated as i dont want to get stuck with this tab.


if you got a police report they can go after him

if not you may be screwed

do you have uninsured/underinsured coverage?


you should have called the police on the spot if you were suspicious. if you didnt and just let it roll you probably scrooged. they're mexican right? but seriously what does the driver and the owner being mexican have to do with anything?

you should have called the police on the spot if you were suspicious. if you didnt and just let it roll you probably scrooged. they're mexican right? but seriously what does the driver and the owner being mexican have to do with anything?



I wasnt trying to sound racist or anything i was just trying to state that when police were called they informed me that the driver didnt have a legal license in the states only a mexican drivers license.


check your insurance policy. You may have uninsured motorist coverage. You should have called the police right away. I learned my lesson back in high school by taking a kids word he would pay and then having to fight with him for 2 months to finally get the money. Its great to try and be a nice guy, but if they were illegals they don't deserve any kindness anyway.


The police were called,right now i am waiting to hear from the officer that arrived on the scene to see what my next step would be to take.I am convinced the owner of the landscaping co. is trying to avoid me so i guess its off to small claims court.The police officer i talked to today said the driver of the truck broke about motor vehicle codes and he apperantly was arrested,i guess time will tell.


I think should have uninsured motorist included in your policy......

check..... it will probably help.....if I may add.........I'm a mexican and i can honestly tell you that there is all

kinds of irresponsable people out there.....but ....if you please.......don't hate Mexicans........ :thumbsup::thumbs:

hopefully it will all be taken care of.....


Yeah underinsured/uninsured will cover it. It's optional with pretty much any company, but most always is considered standard to have- so most likely it's included on your policy dec page. Check and see if it's on there. If you see it, you're all good to- no worries. :cheers:

I think should have uninsured motorist included in your policy......

check..... it will probably help.....if I may add.........I'm a mexican and i can honestly tell you that there is all

kinds of irresponsable people out there.....but ....if you please.......don't hate Mexicans........ :thumbsup::thumbs:

hopefully it will all be taken care of.....



No man i dont hate Mexicans just stupid people.The latest update is i spoke to the arresting officer and he tracked down the uninsured in question and lo and behold after a week he calls me and wants to work things.The reason i called to police was for more info on how to pursue the matter because the only way i had to get a hold of this guy was a phone number that suddenly stopped working after our first phone conversation,but now it looks like it will be worked out,i will let you guys know and thaks for the input.

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