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one good punch


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damn..of course when it comes to Fighting IMO there is no rules. You get them before they get you.


my thoughts exactly.. ya it would be great if everyone fought clean, but in a situation like that you dont know if its your life or not. i would use everything in my reach to take them out. clean fighting is for a boxing ring. lol. IMO

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my thoughts exactly.. ya it would be great if everyone fought clean, but in a situation like that you dont know if its your life or not. i would use everything in my reach to take them out. clean fighting is for a boxing ring. lol. IMO


clean fighting is for anyone who isn't a ****. the dude was holding another dude not even paying attention. if you ask me, the idot who threw the punch is a ****. true it is "you or them", just make sure they know they are fighting you before you beat their ass.

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clean fighting is for anyone who isn't a ****. the dude was holding another dude not even paying attention. if you ask me, the idot who threw the punch is a ****. true it is "you or them", just make sure they know they are fighting you before you beat their ass.

:withstupid: That man is a ****!




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yes in that shot it was bad. when your being held back and can really defend yourself he should have punched him, but if he wasnt being held back i would say thats one hell off a punch. but i bet if he was expecting it he wouldnt have been knocked out. you can take more whne you expect it. hopefully the guy got his ass kicked later.

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that guy was looking for a free shot... in my opinion that was a bitch move... be a man and square off with a guy... dont hit someone random, just to hit someone... of course i dont know the situation at all... who knows, maybe the guy who got hit was being a bitch and trying to get a free shot off himself, and in that case... he should have his ass handed to him.


i have seen some real shit in my line of work... i once took on 5 Russian guys outside a nightclub myself while one of my friends just watched( f*&king ****)... granted i followed the golden rule of fighting a group, take out the ring leader first and the rest will fold quickly... funny thing about that one... the guy who i literally knocked out and was dragged away by his friends came back a half hour later and wanted to just shake my hand... totally random... i shook his hand and they all left... his right eye was swollen shut, but nonetheless wanted to give me respect.

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I agree, we don't know the story. From what it looks like, the kid in the white shirt who got sucker punched, looks like he's trying to pull the guy in the black shirt off someone else. Watch the video a few times a look closely.


I do a agree if you're going to fight, then fight fairly (as fair as a streetfight can be...it's not a boxing/mma match, so everything goes). But a guy like me? I don't fight, sure I've been in a few, but I'm not in highschool anymore. I DO NOT start shit anymore, it's always other ****ing idiots that start with me and run their mouths. I walk away everytime, I've probably walked away from a dozen fights since the new year alone at my bar (and I'm a regular there, I'm friends with the owner, the employees, the bouncer, everyone) so usually I get it taken care of for me. Sure, call me a **** because I don't want to fight you, I don't care. I'm not the one flipping out, starting shit. If I had been talking shit, or doing something to start a fight, then so be it, but thats NEVER me.


I've been called out, and had people try to fight me. Everytime I just chuckle and walk away. Unfortunately though I've been heckled all the way back to my truck which is pretty much cornering me, and in CT that means I have the right to defend myself within reason. I've drawn my baton a couple of times, and had to whack some stupid **** behind the knees then put my foot on his forehead and tell him to get lost. It's just lucky for them that I've never had to draw my firearm. I'm only 23 but I grew up a long time ago, I'm not going to get into a fist fight because your girlfriend asked me for a lighter.

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i have seen some real shit in my line of work... i once took on 5 Russian guys outside a nightclub myself while one of my friends just watched( f*&king ****)... granted i followed the golden rule of fighting a group, take out the ring leader first and the rest will fold quickly


3 dudes tried that shit with me here and i did the same thing. went after their front man. after he was spitting teeth, the others were cake.

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I agree, we don't know the story. From what it looks like, the kid in the white shirt who got sucker punched, looks like he's trying to pull the guy in the black shirt off someone else. Watch the video a few times a look closely.


I do a agree if you're going to fight, then fight fairly (as fair as a streetfight can be...it's not a boxing/mma match, so everything goes). But a guy like me? I don't fight, sure I've been in a few, but I'm not in highschool anymore. I DO NOT start shit anymore, it's always other ****ing idiots that start with me and run their mouths. I walk away everytime, I've probably walked away from a dozen fights since the new year alone at my bar (and I'm a regular there, I'm friends with the owner, the employees, the bouncer, everyone) so usually I get it taken care of for me. Sure, call me a **** because I don't want to fight you, I don't care. I'm not the one flipping out, starting shit. If I had been talking shit, or doing something to start a fight, then so be it, but thats NEVER me.


I've been called out, and had people try to fight me. Everytime I just chuckle and walk away. Unfortunately though I've been heckled all the way back to my truck which is pretty much cornering me, and in CT that means I have the right to defend myself within reason. I've drawn my baton a couple of times, and had to whack some stupid **** behind the knees then put my foot on his forehead and tell him to get lost. It's just lucky for them that I've never had to draw my firearm. I'm only 23 but I grew up a long time ago, I'm not going to get into a fist fight because your girlfriend asked me for a lighter.




what part of Ct. are you from?

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