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Scoobies really are insanely safe. I had an experience in one that changed my outlook on life. Turning 18, I bought myself an 02 WRX, and being young and stupid, I ended up totalling it with my best friend in the passenger seat. I lost control around a slight corner at about 80mph and started to spin, I counter steared and the car came back around, but kept on going. Got it straightened out and was headed for the left side of the road. Mind you on this road the left side is an uphill, the rightside has a guardrail due to a big downhill, houses, then a big lake. Right in front of us on the left side of the road was a very large rock, nearly vertical. We hit it around 70, and it literally launched my car into the air, we barrel-rolled midair, and landed upside down. We rolled over and over for about 250 feet, then spun and slid upside down on the roof for another 150+ feet, rolled two more times and stopped upside down. I undid my seatbelt and fell down, and crawled out through my open window (I had the windows down). I got on my feet and went to take a step on my left foot, but I was in shock and had a really weird feeling the second I stepped on my foot, and collapsed. Oddly enough, the only other kid with a modded WRX was RIGHT behind me and watched it happen. He ran over and grabbed me and helped me to his car, his buddy (BIG dude) literally ripped my buddy (skinny little kid) out of the car and brought him back to the other WRX. I didn't know it at the time, but he did that because of the fact that my car was on fire. We drove up a random persons driveway and called 911. I ended up with a crushed heal, I had broken off the 'male end' of the joint, and another 4 large pieces, the rest was pretty much mush. I also hit my heel so hard that the skin on the inside of my foot just split open, about a 3 inch gash, ended up having surgery on my foot to get 9 screws and 2 plates holding my heel together. My buddy was perfectly fine, not a single injury other then some bruises/welts from the seatbelt.


Two days later, I went to the garage they took my car to, to get my belongings/stereo equipment out of. The roof didn't crush in at all, NO windows were broken, not even the windshield. However the impact with the rock was so severe, that I literally had no engine. It had split into a bunch of little pieces and was strewn about around the road. The firewall was creased in two different areas, and the floorboards were also creased in two areas. So after being through that, I recommend Scoobies to EVERYONE I talk to, I love their cars.I'll have to try and find the pictures of my car that I have laying around somewhere, we actually popped the hood and had my g/f at the time stand in the engine bay for a pic, it was pretty funny.

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