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Car commercial rant...


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What's with all these stupid car commercials on now?


I don't know what's worse...


The Lexux one with all the fake people buying each other cars with that annoying Christmas music playing (Doo Doo DooDoo, Do Doo Doo Doooo).




The 'sports car' commercials (Volvo "R", Acura "something") with 156 different sound clips of the car driving to the local Starbucks.

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Theres a commercial w/ a RED SS in it (at least in CA) running right now. The best part in it rips on FORD and DODGE!


"For anyone who recently bought a Ford or Dodge pickup we have an important message . . . . . . SO SORRY." then it cuts to a shot of a red (best color) SS before it goes on to talk about the lame "california power packs" they have on the standard silverado right now.

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Saw a new Chevy commercial today has another RED SS in it. :chevy::D


Its for the "I didn't get what I wanted for Christmas sales event" first truck it shows is the SS. But, they're still advertising the lame ass California Power Packs!

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Anybody see the new GM commercial that shows the 10 new GM cars...very cool...starts out with the new C6 Vette - awesome, looks like a ferrari or something. Also shows quick glimpses of the Chevy Equinox, Colorado, SSR, can't remember what else, but it's all quick glimpses of the cars. Aired tonight, forgot what channel.

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