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new hood


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Has anyone put on a new hood? I never really liked the good hood twin air intake. Good mark (Goodmarkindustreis) has a air inake hood I like, has anyone tryed the new wide(big) mouth grill from T-Rex. I dont know if the two will look good togehther or no. (I hate to do this!!!) Any one Have an Appenion. I've done so mods to the engine on my sss, whipple SC, New exhast sys., ect.. I'm looking at programmers, brakes, electric fan, and sway bars fro and aft. Anyone do these mods?, which get the most for the money? (I'm about out). I'm concerned about the brakes, It's hard to get 5,000 lbs. to moves, but...??? it's harder to stop. I know someone has an appeion about these mods., help.

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