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I'm going to be a daddy!

Bad Bowtie

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I was in the exact same position when I was 33 (except for the previously divorced part). Wouldn't change a thing. My little boy is flat out awesome. One of his first words was "Chevy." He's obviously brilliant too. Congrats my man!

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congrats man

I was in the exact same position when I was 33 (except for the previously divorced part). Wouldn't change a thing. My little boy is flat out awesome. One of his first words was "Chevy." He's obviously brilliant too. Congrats my man!

definetly a smart kid

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We are going to combine both our fathers names if it is a boy, "James David Rice". So far we have "Addie -? - Rice" for a girls name (still undecided on the middle name).....


I did like the "Bad Bowtie" suggestion, maybe I'll run that by my g/friend... LOL!!! Or even "Silverado, Cheyenne, or Sierra".... LOL!!! :lol:

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im 19 and I have a 3 year old, do the math, but yes my little female counter-part is so cute and adorable I dont know what I would be doing with my life if she wasn't around to boss me around and make me buy her stuff!!! I <3 her :]

Edited by Z4pp (see edit history)
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