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e-mail scams


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look at this BS i get in my e-mail. who the hell would actually fall for this.




Please i do want you to know in God name that i am contacting you base on this business transaction, because somebody has to be contacted, i know you may wonder why you are chosen or contacted since we do not know each other before, but somebody has to be chosen please. My name is Tony Egini the only son of the late Chief Dan J. Egini, i am contacting you to assist me and mother Mrs. Gloria Egini to transfer the Sum of Fifteen Million US Dollars US$15,000.000.00, we inherited from my late father who was a very rich and traditional African who made a lot money from the sale of crude oil and diamonds business from his company in our country Zimbabwe. After the death of my late father i and my mother have been maltreated and humiliated by the family members of my late father who claims that by tradition i cannot inherit my late fathers assets/wealth, because of this, they tried to kill me and my mother so we ran to a neighboring village and there my late father lawyer came and gave us an envelope and in it was some vital legal documents of my late father that before death of my late father he deposited this fund in a bank here in Ghana and he gave us all the legal documents which the bank gave to him at the time he deposited the fund in the bank so i and my mother came to Ghana immediately. Unfortunately to this family members of my late father, they are not aware that before the death of my late father he deposited Fifteen Million US Dollars US$15,000.000.00 in a bank here in Ghana so we want to transfer the fund to you so that we will leave Ghana and met you in your country and you will help us invest the money for us since we do not have any business ideal and buy us a house in your country after deducting your commission while i continue my education. Please i do want you to know that my mother said that if you can help us she will compensate you with 25% of the total fund when the fund is been successfully transfer to you. Please we are willing to get your urgent reply so that we can send you all the legal documents that was given to my late father at the time he deposited the fund in the bank and his death certificate so that you can understand more better all what we have said in our letter to you please. Thanks and God Bless you as we wait for your urgent reply for more details.

Best regards,

Tony Egini and Mother.

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I got one a couple of times from some "African Bank" saying that some guy with my last name died and there is a large inheritance in the tens of millions and that i was chosen to be the recipient or something.


c'mon. i ain't that lucky.

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I see this stuff all the time. Well I guess many rich people died because I get one weekly. I'm glad they all have my email address so I can become super freakin' rich lol :jester: I also get a ton of eBay phishing emails. Funny how the links always go to some crazy web address like www.iwant-yourmoney.com hagha :crackup:

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MSNBC recently did a report on this and they went to meet with the people and they called them out for being phony. and then they went to jail. it was a great report. i can't belive these scumbags actually try to pull this off.

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I've had a half dozen of those in the last few weeks, when normally I never get them.


Poor people overseas! I had two identical letters written by two women with different names, both were dying of cancer and both letters were word for word identical except the people involved.

It's so sad!

I wanted to help, but free billions and billions of dollars from a stranger wouldn't be the same as if I EARNED it, then I would respect the money.

You know.....


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that's insane what would happen to the person if they responded and said that they were willing to help!? besides being called an idiot


one of these days i'm going to e-mail them back making them think i'm interested, and i'll see what they say back to me. i'll post it up when i do it. it will be funny as hell to hear what they have to say. :crackup:

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Dateline nbc did a show about that it seems most of the people sending those e-mails are from nigeria and while the feds are closing in on then they are now starting to set up shop in Iraq of all places where they cant be touched by our government.

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Dateline nbc did a show about that it seems most of the people sending those e-mails are from nigeria and while the feds are closing in on then they are now starting to set up shop in Iraq of all places where they cant be touched by our government.



..................yet. :devil:

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