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Anyone ever try DER -AND- Zaino?

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Okay, I always see the DER people and the Zaino people here... I dont ever see someone who has used one product, and switched to the other.


Are there any people who have used either Zaino or DER, then switched to the other brand and noticed a difference?


The reason I ask, is I always haved used DER products. They require less coatings, its slightly cheaper, and the result is amazing. However, if Zaino does look MUCH better then I wouldnt mind spending more time and money to get a better result.


I want to hear from people who have used DER, then tried Zaino, or vice versa. Its time for me to buy more product, so before I drop more $$ on DER I want to know if I should just go for Zaino this time.


Pics would be nice too, if available.

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I remember seeing a couple posts about people moving over to Zaino from DER, but more frequently I see switching from McGuire's, Mother's, TurtleWax, and so forth... That right there is enough to convince me that it's a product worth buying...

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PM DVK ... he has used both EXTENSIVELY and could probably give you the best honest answer. He has comment on it before and said the common detailer won't tell a difference except the price. I think if you are going for the best possible ( time/money no object within reason ) Zaino would probably be a little better. But I don't know. He isn't on here much anymore, but he can be found easily.

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Can I ask what you spend on an order of DER? and what that includes.


I think in the long run you wouldn't see a huge price difference between the two concidering a coat of Zaino will last longer than a coat of DER, and a bottle of Zaino seems to last forever. You can do a full coat on a suburban with LESS than a 1/4 ounce. I must have done 15+ coats of Zaino on my truck and I still have a 1/2 bottle left. I have never used DER before but I have heard great things about it. The reason why I have been using Zaino is because of its durability and my truck seems to collect alot less dust as well as it great protection qualities, and I almost forgot to add, this is what my truck looks like with Zaino.



This is a reflection off of my hood.




There are a lot more great products out there besides Zaino and DER. Do some reading and choose which suites your needs.

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Can I ask what you spend on an order of DER? and what that includes.


I think in the long run you wouldn't see a huge price difference between the two concidering a coat of Zaino will last longer than a coat of DER, and a bottle of Zaino seems to last forever. You can do a full coat on a suburban with LESS than a 1/4 ounce. I must have done 15+ coats of Zaino on my truck and I still have a 1/2 bottle left. I have never used DER before but I have heard great things about it. The reason why I have been using Zaino is because of its durability and my truck seems to collect alot less dust as well as it great protection qualities, and I almost forgot to add, this is what my truck looks like with Zaino.



This is a reflection off of my hood.




There are a lot more great products out their besides Zaino and DER. Do some reading and choose which suites your needs.


what were the steps that you used to get it to look so good???????


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I'll chime in real quick here:


Benefits to zaino over DER - anti-static... zaino has it, der doesn't... this means the truck "theoretically" should attract less dust... if its big enough to justify the switch is really up to the end user.


zaino also offers far more 'between' steps and mixture possabilites for a range of correcting, protection, shine.


I have used both and there is no doubt zaino is a better product by just a little bit, but for ease of use and cost DER wins... detailed side by side (basic zaino vs der) I don't think most people could tell a difference. They both use a very similar synthetic polymer makeup so at their core the 2 are very similar.

Edited by Dylan06SS (see edit history)
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No, I didn't want some of those products that came with that kit.


I ordered-

Z5-Polish for light swirls

Z2-For "bling"

Z6-Quick Detailer

Z8-Grand Finale Spray (this stuff rocks) it really tops off the shine.

Z10-Leather in a bottle (smells amazing)

ZFX-Quickens dry time as well a bonding agent so you can apply more than one coat within a 24 hour period. Also, offers more protection.


The products I didn't want-

The clay bar- Mothers clay bar works just as well

Tire Gel- Mequiars looks just as good

Z7 car wash-I use duragloss form Car Quest (cheaper and just as effective)


Any other questions let me know.

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Damn those are some nice pics... Zaino obviously is the 'Ferrari' of car waxes... I am starting to think DER is the 'Z06' of waxes now.


I ended up going down to Fletcher Jones Mercedes in newport beach.. they have an assload of DER products on the shelf, picked up a couple more bottles. I will still be contemplating the switch next time though.. DER is just way to easy to apply and its priced nice too..


We will see ! Thanks for the replies. I still would like to hear from someone who has maybe used either product a lot, then switchedand actually noticed any real differences.

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