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the earth is shaking


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well today we had a 3.2 or 3.5 around noon and about five minutes my screen just started shaking outta no where, dude we got a big one coming our way i can feel it!


Storms on the east coast, shaking on the west, severe stright line wind damage right down the midwest. THERE'S NOWHERE TO HIDE! :cry:

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no one has heard about the 7.9 in Peru???



i was going to mention that , we dont have anything on them. if that size quake were to hit us , we would be in big trouble , worse than hurrican katrina trouble. but hey if it happens it happens.

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I'm from Calli originally, lived in Montana with the -70 degree weather, lived in Indiana right in the edge of Tornado alley and my latest move was to Dallas after living in New Orleans and through Katrina. Give me a good old fashioned earthquake any day of the week. You don't know it's coming, it lasts, on average, only about a minute and you clean up the aftermath in the bright sunshine.

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I'm from Calli originally, lived in Montana with the -70 degree weather, lived in Indiana right in the edge of Tornado alley and my latest move was to Dallas after living in New Orleans and through Katrina. Give me a good old fashioned earthquake any day of the week. You don't know it's coming, it lasts, on average, only about a minute and you clean up the aftermath in the bright sunshine.


:withstupid: Quick and easy. As I've said before I live in a small-ish town that is the earthquake capitol of the world but most of our buildings are not tall and the ones that are, are built on "Rollers" to absorb any quakes.

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"THE BIG ONE" causes Cali to split in half, and the western 1/2 drops in the the pacific ocean. :eek:




and when that happens all of us nevadans will have some ocean front property............


i just knew that all of this desert sand was going to come in handy someday.

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and when that happens all of us nevadans will have some ocean front property............


i just knew that all of this desert sand was going to come in handy someday.


You ass. I can't talk though I live in iowa! :crackup:

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