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Waste of the SS reputation


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I went to Baltimore in the spring with the wife and kids and had a great time. My hotel had a catwalk over Pratt street to the inner harbor that we used several times a day. One morning, I couldn't help myself but to take pictures and "encourage a few fellows" that were sportin' the SS badging in a bad way.


Here is what happened:


I was taking a picture of my family on the bridge when I heard some guys braggin' about their BADD ASS Super Sport. This obviously grabbed my attention and when I looked to see what was going on,...I was sickened :shakehead: 2 Guys were bragging about this heap in the pictures. I leaned over and snapped some pictures and gave them the thumbs up :thumbs::crackup: trying not to laugh. They then (feeling all proud and exuding testosterone) fired it up and when the smoke cleared, "tried" to burn out to the light. At this time my wife is giving me the evil eye and I had to get going. I missed the best part!!!!! This "SS" lined up with a Mustang and got spanked off the line. My wife had the camera at that point so I missed a good one for ya :banghead:


Here are the pics:








By the way, it had neons under it as well :dunno:

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paint dont look to bad. its not my thing but donks fit in just as trucks that drag frame. i personally would never do it but some would. but the nurf bars got to go


I agree, the paint fits the year and style of the car just fine,...but the bars and the wheels gotta go,...not to mention what is under the hood from the looks of it. :ughdance:

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