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WOW what a big DFW GTG weekend!

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My camera runneth over. This Labor Day weekend was awesome, I've been up to the mid-morning hours so many days in a row my sleep cycle is totally f'd up and I DON'T CARE!! :D HA Ha ha


Friday a lot of us met for a burger at Hooters, as usual everyone was running late and I think we (I was tagging along with Sprayed99 & FastAsh) were the worst offenders. Lots of friends, lots of smiles, lots of chatting and we didn't head out to the track until almost 10pm. And on the way out DominionsCowboy eagerly made a total ass, er spectacle of himself doing a liberal round of doughnuts in the Hooters parking lot beside us as the manager, Hooters Girls, and customers stared through the windows. So vrooom vrooom time to make a hasty exit to the track and note to selves we'll have to smooth things over with the management next week for Dominion's f'd-up behavior... Warm velvet night, LOTS of people - I was overwhelmed and could not keep up with everyone and everything going on. I snapped this quick pic of a half-dozen of us in the pits, but it was more like 12-15 just in our little group, all 4 staging lanes were open, the place was packed...




Lesse what's new lately: well Brobrad77 and BManSS came with drag radials; BManSS has his 125-shot working pretty well but still looking to get his AFR dialed-in. We greeted TRBO SS with open arms, he introduced himself next to his black '03 SS with 408 + H/C + STS (7-lbs) + intercooler + 3K-stall and we encouraged/nagged/begged him to line-up and spur that SOB for all it's worth but as this was literally the first night he's had the truck back from the engine builder/tuner in 3 months :eek: and the combo was unproven he drove miss daisy through the traps; more about this killer combo in a bit. The Pimp SS has a fresh tune and that looks to have helped a couple tenths, note to self gotta make good on my promise to help M. install that Vette servo! We are about to have a newbie, ran into VERN (you Denton guys know who Vern is :lol:) and he shared with me that he will definitely be trading up from his EC Ram to a 2WD SSS and his dad is going to be picking up the bill, so if any of you north Texas guys are looking to sell your black 2WD SS just get in touch with Pimp as Vern has installed himself as a kinda semi-permanent fixture over there (think "crabgrass" :jester:). CoolBlueSS paid $15 to make a baseline run, the truck is *bone stock* in fact I think the only remaining stock SSS within 30-miles. :jester: And yours truly is still afoot with a busted-ass tranny and front axle so I captured some runs -


These are all Quicktime .MOV files - right-click and save to your computer, then double-click to play. You need to install the free Apple Quicktime player.


BManSS & ???


BroBrad77 & SS Wrecker


Pimp SS & anonymous rice


??? and SS Wrecker


BManSS & anonymous SBC S-Dime


"The match of the night!" :jester: Pimp SS & Brobrad77 have a friendly rivalry, tonight Brad's turned the tables on Pimp with new drag radials :D


anonymous Ferd & BManSS


There were many other runs as well, those are just the ones I captured which came out and well we got there so late I only got the last hour and a half... sorry to not have more. I should have gotten video of the pit action, cops giving kids tickets for popping wheelies on 4-wheelers while carrying passengers, and again another gravity games dropout ate asphault when he tried to do a 40-mph wheelstand on his crotch rocket and wiped-out, totally lunched the bike and road rash upside the arm/shoulder bad enough to send his ass to the hospital.


Consumer Alerts - saw some shittttaaaayyy craftsmanship from a local big-name shop, seriously I've done better sheet metal welding on demolition derby cars with a f'n Lincoln buzz box and 6011 rod - another "professionally" built truck belched an oil cloud that enveloped the whole truck and sent all mosquites within 40-ft down-wind running for their lives... :happysad: Seriously a few of the guys here jumped in to help with what knowlege and assistance they could :thumbs: In fact I think the amount of advice was a bit overwhelming!


Crystal Ball: overheard one Denton gent might have boost in his future - maybe, maybe not? Motor mods this fall for one of the black SS trucks - maybe, maybe not? One of the guys is carrying cam specs in his hip pocket, I won't mention who but he's serious... LOTS of interest in hands-on PCM tuning plus a few spontaneous discussions about who's hot and who's not in DFW tuning circles. Couple people asking me if I'll ever actually USE my EFILive, again we'll see...


Leaving we caught-up with BManSS, and he took us for an early AM thrill ride in his truck and I will have to say it gets up and goes really well. :thumbs: :thumbs: Funny moment - about 4am the three of us crawled our way back to Sprayed99's & FastAsh's home and we stopped at a gas station for cigs & fuel, inside were a few hunters (it was opening day of Dove season) and these guys in camo had obviously just drug their asses out of bed all bleary-eyed and fixing their coffee, and there we are stumbling around the store and bloodshot-eyed... well it seemed humorous at the time to us, a store full of barely functional adults on auto-pilot. Anyways -



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Saturday was a local car show at Bass Pro Shops (that store is probably the fastest growing cause of divorce right now he he) and snapped a few pics:


All of us down at the end of the parking lot:



Brobrad77: - was a good sport and stayed for the show! Brad told me his last wishes, when he dies he wants his body to be carried to the funeral in the back of his truck with all of us parading behind. And in the very unlikely event both he and his SSS ummm die together he requests to have his final ride in the Pimp SS :crackup:




TRBO SS: - J. told me that before the show he took his dad for a ride, stalled it up and let 'er fly - and got his dad's true admiration :lol: I have to admit I was momentarily jealous of his dad! This truck is a twin of the blue '03 TRT truck "but with a little more cam". I asked him if he felt there was any boost lag in the rear-mounted turbo setup, and was assured that the STS had no problems getting it up. J. also said that the average DIC mileage has gone UP 4-tenths over his original LQ9 mileage. Unfortunately as mentioned in another thread today his tranny couldn't cut it, so looks like the truck is going to be down again for a while :tear: I'm sure we'll see more of J. because he's seriously looking into adapting the 4L80 to his transfer case.




PIMP SS: - this truck is continuing to make momentum here in local circles, the Pimp SS was invited to make a TV interview/appearance this weekend. I don't know the details but sounds very exciting. This truck is a consistent class winner and I think M. told me it has 62K daily driven miles now.



Sprayed99: - D. has traded the Joe Gibbs for something a bit more substantial; I cannot believe that the State of Texas actually issued a TRUCK plate for this grocery-getter on steroids, what is the world coming to :jester: Only has 1100-miles on it and already you can see lots of little touches in addition to Corsa, CAI, and tune. D. told me that he seriously wants to customize and campaign the TBSS in the car shows and is already contemplating custom paint. We were able to talk some sense into his stubborn head and he's going to add a 100-shot at some point, MY guess just enough underhood mods to squarely put the TBSS in the sub-12 range. What surprised me is that a lot of folks were checking out the TBSS at the show, it gets much more interest than I expected.




IMO most attention-grabbing paint-job there: - sorry I could not help but study this for a few minutes, along with everyone else at the show.





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After the show at Bass Pro we decided to head to Keller's to catch the Saturday night action and socialize with friends. Now I am just enamored with Keller's because I've never seen or heard of anything like this, you guys just have to trust when I say you gotta be there in person!


So what the hell is Keller's you ask? Well, a burger stand that's been here since dirt. And for the last 20+ years (according to word of mouth) every Saturday night all the local car crowd drive in to have a burger, beer, show off, shoot the shit, catch races, talk smack, hook-up, you name it. As BManSS says "the show starts about 8pm" and it's totally non-organized, you never know who or what will show up but the variety of vehicles and people here is staggering (to me anyways). Modern muscle, post war, rat rods, Vettes, coupes, mountain motored chevelles, donks, imports, magazine cars, trucks, customs, outlaw 10.5 door slammers, you name it they're here. And there's even a 150-gal stock tank full of iced beer for sale and the burgers are really good and really cheap too.


So we get to Keller's at 10pm, the place is PACKED, you couldn't swing a cat in the entire 5-acre parking lot; seriously there were about 175-200 cars there, a crowd of about ohhh 500-600 people:




Anyways the reason we go to Keller's is to hopefully meet up with Virgil (MEAN05, not pictured) - now Virgil is an interesting guy, Virgil is what you would call a true competitor! Earlier this summer he got rid of his '05 SC Silvy and now has this red '03 SSS. This truck doesn't get pampered no no no, it's a f'n war horse complete with dents, scratches, mud, weeds hanging from the back bumper, and TWO stages of NOS adding up to a lot more gas than common sense dictates on a stock LQ9. Sprayed99 went on a quick blast with Virgil and I can only imagine what happend but he came back wearing an ear-to-ear smile. And lemme tell you when a guy that used to run a 300-shot on his '99 Camaro tiptoes over with a shit-eating grin after a ride-a-long - well you know the truck's got something on the ball. D.'s exact quote "Nitrous doesn't get impressive until you cross the 200 mark, and I was more than impressed!" The big red freight train was last spotted lurking out of the parking lot stalking a cammed-up '00 Camaro... Oooookkaaaayyyyy ;)



I'll wind this down - here's a few other pics I got at Keller's:


How about a convertible GOAT with a LS2 transplant? Check out that seat piping - I'll admit it I drooled, this is a feature-worthy car:



Rat rod anyone? Just one of a few "works in progress":




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Here's the yellow coupe we parked next to, very clean:



Another hot rod; and look closely at the purple Mopar behind it, the 440 it had was hard-hitting:



Chevelle anyone? Last time I was here I saw both a Reher-Morrison and Yenko but nothing like that tonight:



Another feature-worthy car, this grey tri-five has a LS1 swap & Radix:



And I ask you to use your immagination: lots of Mustangs, F-bodies, Vettes, 2 GNX's, a couple trucks, Shelbys, bikes, girls, girls in SHORT shorts, I think you get the idea. Keller's, hell of a place.


Well time to catch a catnap 'cause I gotta be at work in a couple hours - peace-out.

Mr. P. :)

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Looks like it was one hell of a time. I like cars and all, but if there were good looking girls in SHORT shorts I may have been focused on them :P.


I am having trouble with the vids though, what format are they in?


They are in MOV format, meaning you'll have to use Quicktime or something that can play the .mov files. Do a search for "MOV Player" on google and you'll find some free players if you don't like using Apple Quicktime.

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And remember... the next one is in 2 months or so.. (late oct / early nov!)


Oh and steve..... TRBO SS only ran once with BManSS.... so i don't know who went up against Pimp... in that 4th vid..

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Geezzz Steve, You gotta divide that one up in chapters :lol: Anyway, you Texans sure know how to enjoy your rides! Awesome pics! I am having trouble with the vids though, what format are they in?

That wasn't all of it, there was a car show every day this weekend...


The vids are Quicktime MOV's


Mr. P. :)

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can someone embed the videos in here. I have only been able to open my vid. once the others I cant get to open on neither one of my computers.


Thanks and great pics Steve. "Here we go the match of the night"..lol awesome


I keep getting a blank screen that says downloading from site but nothing happens.

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