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Gm Worker Strike


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the union does not represent management. She was a manager of 3 retail stores for 8 years. She failed to report a claim that an employee was stealing due to the fact she heard it 3rd party from another employee who had a history of not liking a person. Bottom line to me in my oppinion, and thats all it is is my oppinion, is that the union only is a safe harbour to ppl that all ready don't deserve to have the jobs they have.


Can ppl benefit from a union? yes they can. Can ppl be screwed based on the union? yes they can. It just offers ppl that don't deserve the right to have the job the ability to bitch with leverage while the ppl that carry them get hosed whenever something doesn't go the way of the whining minority.

:withstupid: In my personal dealings with UAW workers, as a dealership employee dealing with PDCs and tech lines, I have had to deal with some of the laziest people I've ever met. How do these people keep their jobs? There part of a union. That has left a bad taste in my mouth towards unions, but I do believe that they can do some good things.

Right now we dealers, and the consumer are getting screwed. We can't get parts unless another dealer has it, and we're not getting new stock till this is over.


Maybe I need to call Truckmasters.

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No uglieness here either. Like I said, I dont know anyone personally on this website or how hard they work for what they have etc. For all I know Bob could a highly skilled tradesmen who could get a good paying job whether GM went belly up or not.


I dont know if many know about the Delphi event or not, but being in finance, I had several clients who worked for Delphi. When Delphi split from GM and was forced to file bankruptcy from building inferior products and GM going elsewhere for systems engineering and products, they cut wages in half for most of their union workers because thats all they could afford to pay. Workers were living beyond their means and it hurt alot of them. It was all Delphi and GM could do to keep pensions and benefits in place that were already promised. I dont recall the final outcome/court rulings, I would have to look it up. If unions aren't careful (read, as its not too late...yet), GM could end up like Delphi, which in that event, would either bring disaster for GM or cause the Fed Government to intervine. Either case would be detrimental to the financial well being of all GM employess, both union and non-union.


Delphi lost contracts to my wife's company that makes many auto parts for GM and others. The company is of course a japaneese company. Toyota is a successful company without unions and their employees make good money. Unions are old and outdated. That kind of mentality needs to change or unions will be gone. I've never agreed with unions because the rest of the world doesn't work that way. I don't think people should earn so much money just because they are in a union. Unions will sooner or later force GM's hand and they will go else where for workers or GM could fall on really hard times. Hopefully they will work something out before my wife's company picks up more work.

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Delphi lost contracts to my wife's company that makes many auto parts for GM and others.


And the whole reason GM dumped Delphi int he first place was because Delphi was making INFERIOR products for HIGHER cost than the competitors. Your wife's company won the contract probably because of attractive costs and demonstrated superior technology. And I bet most people at your wife's company still make a descent wage...

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And the whole reason GM dumped Delphi int he first place was because Delphi was making INFERIOR products for HIGHER cost than the competitors. Your wife's company won the contract probably because of attractive costs and demonstrated superior technology. And I bet most people at your wife's company still make a descent wage...


They make good pay for my area. I worked there one summer after my freshman year in college and it wasn't a bad place to work.


Reply to Insurance Cost:

Insurance cost have gone up because people are greedy. Everybody wants to make more money. My wife's company use to provide insurance benefits for free but not any more.

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i worked labor relations for about 15 yrs. on both sides of the table. and there is good and bad union and non union work places. one thing i found, like the old saying goes, you can't get blood out of a rock, you will only get what the co. can or will give. if you don't like it ...well there's the door, there is a lot of people who would almost kill for a job that pays 1/2 of what GM workers make, my self included...

read a news paper article this morning about a women and her husband both work at GM assembly lines, and she was crying on HOW they were going to pay there bills with NO income. between them both THAY ONLY MAKE $124,000 PER YEAR.... and cant pay there bills :yellow_loser::rant:



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THAY ONLY MAKE $124,000 PER YEAR.... and cant pay there bills



I love my uncle to death, but he also is a union negotiator and we but heads on this issue all the time, yet can remain civil enough to go fishing and hunting as a family...we dont let him carry any shells though in the woods...might shoot us...lol. Anyways, back on topic, my uncle makes about that between a full pension and his annual salary for negotiating for unions. He is mortgaged, financed, extended, etc. so far that he is one....ONE paycheck away from disaster...but over half his income is guaranteed for life, so it wouldnt be that bad. We are talking boat, atv's, camper, tractors, 80 acre tree farm (that produces no income, he only uses it for hunting), second home, primary home, dually diesel (its a chevy!) and the list goes on and on.


Its actually kind of funny, one day we went to Bass Pro shops and were looking at tackle, well we proceeded to pick up stuff and he bought this big plano tackle box (I hate plano gear). Well, he drops about $400 on stuff to fill it and the box itself. A couple weeks later him and his wife are over at our house and they start bickering in a playful way...and she starts laughing at him...and says in response to one his assinine comments... "This coming from a guy that buys the EXACT same tackle box that he already had in his basement at home he bought one year ago...AND he hasnt even gone fishing in the last two years!!!"


What was real funny is he bought the same exact POS plano tackle box...lol!!!!



Carry on - Resume union bashing!

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i worked labor relations for about 15 yrs. on both sides of the table. and there is good and bad union and non union work places. one thing i found, like the old saying goes, you can't get blood out of a rock, you will only get what the co. can or will give. if you don't like it ...well there's the door, there is a lot of people who would almost kill for a job that pays 1/2 of what GM workers make, my self included...

read a news paper article this morning about a women and her husband both work at GM assembly lines, and she was crying on HOW they were going to pay there bills with NO income. between them both THAY ONLY MAKE $124,000 PER YEAR.... and cant pay there bills :yellow_loser::rant:



I make half of what assembly line workers make, and my position requires some level of skill.
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<------------ KEEPING MY MOUTH SHUT!!!!!! :banghead:


Unions= :flag:

I think for the sake of this discussion, we are talking about the UAW. I am not saying all unions are bad, for example my dad put in a full career with International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) and those guys have to f'n bust their ass for a living. So no you cannot just make a blanket statement that unions are bad, but like any other large organization it can become very corrupt and/or a hindrance to business rather than a help.


Mr. P.

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I think for the sake of this discussion, we are talking about the UAW. I am not saying all unions are bad, for example my dad put in a full career with International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) and those guys have to f'n bust their ass for a living. So no you cannot just make a blanket statement that unions are bad, but like any other large organization it can become very corrupt and/or a hindrance to business rather than a help.


Mr. P.

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I think for the sake of this discussion, we are talking about the UAW. I am not saying all unions are bad, for example my dad put in a full career with International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) and those guys have to f'n bust their ass for a living. So no you cannot just make a blanket statement that unions are bad, but like any other large organization it can become very corrupt and/or a hindrance to business rather than a help.


Mr. P.


It just seems like someone always has something negative to say about Unions because they had a bad experience. Like the comment made earlier about the janitor having to clean something up when that person could have cleaned it up himself. Well, it's called job security! If the employer sees that person who is not supposed to clean it up doing it, then next negotiations, the employer will try to take away that job, simple. It just goes on and on. It's not because that person was lazy, IT'S NOT HIS JOB!

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I think for the sake of this discussion, we are talking about the UAW. I am not saying all unions are bad, for example my dad put in a full career with International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) and those guys have to f'n bust their ass for a living. So no you cannot just make a blanket statement that unions are bad, but like any other large organization it can become very corrupt and/or a hindrance to business rather than a help.


Mr. P.




My wife has been in a union for the past 10 years (school district) and has worked without a contract for 4 of those 10 years and even worked the total of around 2 weeks without pay. Lets see the UAW work without a contract for longer than 5 minutes. :smash:


To the UAW,...don't bite the hand that feeds you!


What I say is not intended to offend anyone, just voicing my opinion on the subject.

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It just seems like someone always has something negative to say about Unions because they had a bad experience. Like the comment made earlier about the janitor having to clean something up when that person could have cleaned it up himself. Well, it's called job security! If the employer sees that person who is not supposed to clean it up doing it, then next negotiations, the employer will try to take away that job, simple. It just goes on and on. It's not because that person was lazy, IT'S NOT HIS JOB!


There is no such thing as job security, Union or otherwise.

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