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Some Good , Some Bad News

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well busted the trans yesterday ended up being the output shaft and took alot of stuff with it including f'ing up my brand new PI converter . so its getting sent back to get fixed and re stalled to a 3200.


on a good note i ordered the billet output shaft from ckperformance and not to mention the best price on this part but he is also sending me a part for free to test out. if your looking for a good deal on som 4l65e parts they arent a bad choice.


thanks mr. P .

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well busted the trans yesterday ended up being the output shaft and took alot of stuff with it including f'ing up my brand new PI converter . so its getting sent back to get fixed and re stalled to a 3200.


on a good note i ordered the billet output shaft from ckperformance and not to mention the best price on this part but he is also sending me a part for free to test out. if your looking for a good deal on som 4l65e parts they arent a bad choice.


thanks mr. P .


Damn Chase, that sucks.

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Yeah I should have my shaft next week; glad to hear he had one on-hand and you didn't have to wait over 2-months. I've got a feeling that we might be keeping the CNC lathe at CKPerformance busy 24/7. Zippy told me we are not the first, apparently BenKey uses CKPerformance internals in his transmission.


Mr. P.

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that really sucks, however- i wouldnt complain if i were you.....




this is just an example of the worst possible outcome of this situation, to make you all feel better. i know ive kind of talked about this incident before, but never posted pics. this truck has haunted me ever since, as soon as i start it up i see flames inside the car... it freaks me out.

heres a good pic so you can see the fire- caught the plastic fuel line that goes into the tank on fire, but thankfully i put it out right before it lit up the 26 gallons of gas.






in case you are wondering- the discoloration is residue left from the fire. a broken output shaft caused all this, and im sure you are ALL wondering how a 330 ft.lb 5.3L broke an output shaft- the driveshaft was not properly balanced from the factory, and right under 100 mph, the vibration came on quick and snapped the shaft....resulting in BAD things, such as myself nearly burning to death. i have alot more pictures if anyone is still courious as to why i urge you all to get your driveshafts balanced :ughdance:


oh ya, the irony of this situation is all you broke is the shaft and the $$$ PI verter. i broke everything BUT the stock converter (including 43% of the trucks value in parts and bodywork, and yes it was a loaded LTZ :cry: )

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fireman31, i wouldve made you proud :D


i got very lucky tho, (as far as my life goes) but it did break my heart, lost a fresh new pair of nikes (the "shox" kinda melted, so the shoes arent exactly level anymore lmao) :jester:

Edited by kelleyperformance (see edit history)
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heres some more, these are "straight from the crash site"


you can see here how the fire climbed all the way up the hood and neatly inside the truck




^the accumulated pile of parts that i could reach at the time..... to this day we still find little pieces of shratnal up to 50 feet away from the secne. it didnt snap, it was an explosion.... :(

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Damn kelleyperformance, I bet that made a helluva noise.


I am kind of confused though. You say you have a 2006 SSS with LTZ trim? I thought that was a 2007 thing. Also,you say that it was a 5.3 engine? And with a T-56 manual tranny?


What the hell are you talkin' about man??? Do you have 2 or 3 different trucks?




P.S. Sorry about the bad luck Chase. That sucks...again.

Edited by Vortec MAX (see edit history)
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fireman31, i wouldve made you proud :D


i got very lucky tho, (as far as my life goes) but it did break my heart, lost a fresh new pair of nikes (the "shox" kinda melted, so the shoes arent exactly level anymore lmao) :jester:


Geez John, you are lucky, that could have been a lot worse, at least you are okay :eek:


Looks like you made a quick stop on that fire with a dry powder extinguisher :thumbs: Had that fire had a few moments more to grow, it could have burned your shop to the ground :fart: I can't tell you how many structural fires I have seen/heard of because of a vehicle malfunction indoors..........


BTW- sorry to hear the news Chase, seems like a lot of bad luck in the trans dept., hopefully the new billet shaft cures it for good :chevy:

Edited by Fireman31 (see edit history)
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Damn kelleyperformance, I bet that made a helluva noise.


I am kind of confused though. You say you have a 2006 SSS with LTZ trim? I thought that was a 2007 thing. Also,you say that it was a 5.3 engine? And with a T-56 manual tranny?


What the hell are you talkin' about man??? Do you have 2 or 3 different trucks?




P.S. Sorry about the bad luck Chase. That sucks...again.

yea i wasnt referring to my SSS, and the tahoe had a 4L65e.


Geez John, you are lucky, that could have been a lot worse, at least you are okay :eek:


Looks like you made a quick stop on that fire with a dry powder extinguisher :thumbs: Had that fire had a few moments more to grow, it could have burned your shop to the ground :fart: I can't tell you how many structural fires I have seen/heard of because of a vehicle malfunction indoors..........


BTW- sorry to hear the news Chase, seems like a lot of bad luck in the trans dept., hopefully the new billet shaft cures it for good :chevy:

damn you are good lol, thats exactly what happened and yes the entire shop wouldve been an inferno- the bays were all full, corvettes, and theres a 500 gallon oil tank about 40 feet from the dyno..... it woulda been on fox news lol

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Chase,...look at it this way, you can have your converter restalled in the meantime. Was it too tight for ya?


Kelleyperformance,...Where I dyno'd my truck, there is a hunk of Aluminum in the wall next to the rollers with a plate under it stating "balance your drive shafts,...PLEASE!". There is also about 6 holes (half dollar sized) plugged with liquid nails behind the rollers from the "stray" wheel weights. The one thing I am neglecting to do is driveshaft loops :happysad: I gotta get on that.


Glad you and others were not harmed too bad...

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that really sucks, however- i wouldnt complain if i were you.....



this is just an example of the worst possible outcome of this situation, to make you all feel better. i know ive kind of talked about this incident before, but never posted pics. this truck has haunted me ever since, as soon as i start it up i see flames inside the car... it freaks me out.

heres a good pic so you can see the fire- caught the plastic fuel line that goes into the tank on fire, but thankfully i put it out right before it lit up the 26 gallons of gas.






in case you are wondering- the discoloration is residue left from the fire. a broken output shaft caused all this, and im sure you are ALL wondering how a 330 ft.lb 5.3L broke an output shaft- the driveshaft was not properly balanced from the factory, and right under 100 mph, the vibration came on quick and snapped the shaft....resulting in BAD things, such as myself nearly burning to death. i have alot more pictures if anyone is still courious as to why i urge you all to get your driveshafts balanced :ughdance:


oh ya, the irony of this situation is all you broke is the shaft and the $$ PI verter. i broke everything BUT the stock converter (including 43% of the trucks value in parts and bodywork, and yes it was a loaded LTZ :cry: )



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