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Gm Employee Discount?


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I have a good friend who is retired from Gm and is willing to call to get me his employee family discount number (which he has done before, but I didn't use it). My question is should I use the number and can I get into trouble for using it? I know they have to have some type of check to see if I am a family member, but is there a way to get away with this? Any recommendations on what to do?

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It is more of a "friends and family" type deal. When he puts it in the system, he will put it in your name. When you get to the dealer, find the vehicle you like, and sit down to buy said vehicle you give them the number your friend will give you and no questions are asked.


You will get a print out that shows the exact details of the supplier price, and that is what you pay.


I have used the program twice. It is pretty convienent. Although, the margins are nowhere near what they used to be.


Be prepared, if you are thinking of trading a vehicle at the same time you will not get anywhere near a fair price for it. Just how it works. The dealer will be looking to make money somewhere.

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It is really a GMS number thing. After your friend signs in to the GM employee site and assigns you a number, the GM dealer really can't question where/who the number came from.

The dealer can opt not to use it though. All GMS pricing is subject to Dealer approval.

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Wody, you would check what out?


if the employee discount restricts vehicle purchases to one a year like my supplier discount does. but if you're not planning on buying one within the year then don't worry about it.

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