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Hey guys, I know some of you have done this before or something similar and figured I would ask for some tips. After this past Sunday, I decided that enough is enough and I wanna quit drinking. I've been pretty good about it lately. I don't go out all that often and when I do, I park the truck at home and take the bus or my Chucks for walk.


The problem is, I drive when we go to Pats home games. I have the truck and most of the gear. After the game Sunday, we went out and as one would expect, I had a few too many and drove home. Not far but still anywhere is too far. My girlfriend was PO'd at me and rightfully so. Although at the time, I didn't think it was fair and spiked my cell phone on the living room floor snapping it in half. Gotta love that Irish temper! This obviously isn't the first time, but I wanna make it the last time.


I got a girl that I absolutely love now, a truck that I'm in awe of, and a job that I can't afford to lose (14 yrs and I drive all day) because of a DUI. I don't wanna eff any of this up. What I can afford to lose is my self deprication, my loathing of people, just all around negative attitude, as well as being out of shape and feeling at least 10 yrs older than I am.


Ok, so I'm not looking to make this a 'whoa is me' sort of thing. Normally, I'm very private and guarded when it comes to personal issues but I know that it's been mentioned on here before about addictions that some of you have beaten, so any tips that any of you think could help, I'm open to them.


And hey, even if you want to attack me for my irresponsible actions, I guess I should take those too.


Thanks in advance guys!




ps, this is the hardest time of year for me to even think of this with football in full swing, the Sox in the playoffs, my cousin's wedding in a few weeks, and the holidays approaching.

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K. whatever I can do for you lemme know; I don't have anything specific to suggest but however I can support know that you are free to call (you got my number at Lebanon Valley right?). I lost my first love to alcoholism, so it's kind of a personal issue with me.


Mr. P.

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Keith, you will receive alot of tips from the site however, I think you narrowed it down when you said one sentence... "I got a girl that I absolutely love now, a truck that I'm in awe of, and a job that I can't afford to lose". You have mentally made the choice and will need support. From what I see, Emily is a genuine person who will be at your side and give you nothing but encouragement. Your key to success is if you will let her.



BTW, I am here if you ever need anything as well.

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Well i cant help too much with this but iv heard about pills that help the urges guess and i would also suggest AA, but besides that i wouldnt know wat else to say but definately good luck with everything it would suck to here bad news from u in anyways...



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sorry to hear about your situation im only 20 years old and i drink quit abit....but i can control it ive been doing good about drinking on the week days....but weekends are a bit hard to do....the thing im worried about it when i turn 21 in a few months....im afraid im going to go into a downward spiral asoon as im legal to drink in bars/clubs etc.


do what you thinks best for you and the people around you. i can tell you this..U DONT WANT A DWI. it will F*CK you for the next 6-7 years (insurance wise) ive had one and its not fun. some of my friends drink and drive and i will sleep in my truck if i had more than 3 beers...i just wont risk it......def. not worth it.


keep your head high...and self control strong....keep us posted man and good luck in whatever you decide. :thumbs:

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There's a couple guys on the forum here that have dealt with/continue to deal with alcohol issues, just wait I know you will get some solid advice and gents you can talk man-to-man with about it.


If it's really that important to you, you'll do it.


Mr. P.

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sorry to hear about your situation im only 20 years old and i drink quit abit....but i can control it
No offense, but don't kid yourself. I said that for years when I smoked, till I tried to quit. Then I found out real quick that it controlled me. Don't let that happen if you don't want it to happen.
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You are already half way there by "manning up" and putting your problem out there. That, I am sure took alot for you. If you are completly serious about cutting back or stopping all together you will also have to change other habits and maybe have to start hanging w/ different people that will have a different type of influence on you. You have a wonderful girl and a great job and it would suck to lose either one because you had 1 to many one night. We are here for you and I wish you the best.


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I commend you for seeing that you not only need to stop drinking, but you WANT to stop.

thats 80% of the battle in my mind. I personally went cold turkey, and just never looked back. Part of what helped me was not hanging with the enablers as much, and when I did, make it well known you no longer drink.. Take thier quips and let them roll off you. so what if they think you're a wimp, or whipped, or whatever for not drinking. stick to your ethics about it and just dont drink.

i went 8 years without a drop, and even now its a very special occasion for me to drink...

and i never drove when drinking, and i wasnt an alchoholic.. but my dad was..

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I quit July 11th 2006. havent had a beer since then, Trust me when I say i want to. i didnt drink and drive, I didnt get rowdy, shoot i hardly drank. but i felt i was depending on it too much. so i decided to call it quits. Do i still want a beer? yes. my buddys are constantly texting me pics of beers they are drinking. that to makes it more rewarding that i am able to say "no".


do it for you, cause you are the only one that matters. Your job, your girl and soon enough your kids will depend on you. is a few beers worth it? my brother drinks like a fish and he also drives for a living. I have warned him, but he thinks he is invincable. soon enough it will hit him, the CDL will be gone and so will ALOT of his life.


DO it for you man!! stay strong and after a few months you will realize it wasnt that hard. PLUS you will feel better in the morning on Mondays after the game!!


Good luck and keep us posted

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I think you narrowed it down when you said one sentence... "I got a girl that I absolutely love now, a truck that I'm in awe of, and a job that I can't afford to lose".


Wise words from Krambo. You should copy these and carry them with you and look at them everytime you want to have a drink. Remind yourself what you have to lose just for the sake of a drink. Believe me, you can have just as much fun while not drinking. Drink a Pepsi, Gatorade , water or whatever. You'll find you enjoy the game or the company just as much or more sober. Also, it's fun to watch others get drunk and make asses of themselves. :D



sorry to hear about your situation im only 20 years old and i drink quit abit....but i can control it ive been doing good about drinking on the week days....but weekends are a bit hard to do....the thing im worried about it when i turn 21 in a few months....im afraid im going to go into a downward spiral asoon as im legal to drink in bars/clubs etc.


I was also worried about that when I was young. I drank lots of Tequila and did lots of drugs from when I was 16 until I was around 18. (legal age at that time). Work, a good woman and a scare stopped me. Long story, but basically I almost died from some really nasty drugs that weren't what they were supposed to be. Spent a few weeks in the hospital and got better. Haven't touched any illegal drugs or booze since then.


If you're worried--you've got a problem. Hope you figure it out quicker than I did.

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I am in agreemnet about changing your surroundings until you can handle it. I do not drink but I still can go out and have a good time with friends. The best advice I can give you is don't put yourself in a situation to fail. DStay out of bars and yes maybe don't go to the football games for a while. The last thing you need to do is try and kick a addiction and hang out next to more beer swilling people. I know that sounds harsh but hey what more important your GF, truck , and friends or some football game you can watch at home and not be tempted? My .02 and I wish you the best of luck and if you need anything dont be afraid to ask.

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It takes a real man to step up and admit there is problem like you did. :cheers: Like you already have done, take a look at what is in front of you and don't take it for granted(especially Emily, she'll probably kick your ass.) If I drive somewhere with the guys and plan on having a couple drinks I do exactly that....I stop at 2 then I go to water.....I have too much in my life to lose and certainly don't want to hurt my love ones or anyone else for that fact. In no way am I say that you should stop going out with the guys, but know your limitations, especially if you are driving. You don't have to drink to have a good time, especially when you are with friends. Don't let peer pressure get to you. Maybe its time for a change in your lifestyle............


I had a small drinking problem when I turned 21.........I was getting drunk 4-5 nights a week, was late for work/school all the time, and it really pissed my folks off. One saturday night I decided to drive home from my friends house, it was only a few blocks, but I was rocked. I don't remember when or how I got home, all I remember is dealing with the wrath of my dad the next morning........I parked my car on the front lawn, left the door open with the keys in it, and left the garage door open. That was a turning point for me, I don't drink like that anymore.


Anyway, as you know we all have your back here, best of luck to you Keith I hope everything works out for you. I am gonna PM you my cell phone number in case you need someone to talk to. :chevy:

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