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So tonight. We go to barnes and noble (me and my sisters bf) in his Subaru STi. On the way back. We pass a Trailblazer (04-05) and i notice it and i go "Theres a Brother" and my sisters bf rolls his eyes. So we are cruising down the road and all of a sudden VRUUM there goes the Trailblazer. Tryin to race us. But of coruse, STi downshifts we fly passed him easily. lol TB is quick, but not STi quick LOL. So im sitting there going. "Oh that dude doesnt know whats comming to him when im in mah Trailblazer next time i see him. i will put the smack down on his ass with mah tune and CAI" (im acting all tuff with mah mods :yellow_loser: ) So yea, he deserts to the freeway (i think it was his turn neway)


But if your out there, keep an eye out for the blue wonder. Shes a commin for your stock ass. :ughdance:


My rant for the night lol

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theres a place for these kind of posts on this forum.........and why would that make you pissed? just curious

Because the one time i see a guy who likes to mod his TB, Im not in mine LOL :shakehead:






and yea i know this isnt in the right section. But it wasnt a race and it was a kill. More of a ricer fly by...

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God, don't ya just hate it when that happens? :ughdance:


Last weekend I actually spotted a Silver SSS - the guy was not very social or nice. Wound up he lives in my town. Once we were done talking, he did the little ricer speed turn, screeched his tires, and sped off! :yellow_loser: I guess he was upset that a girl is faster than him...I swear you Silver SSS boys are always causing trouble! lol :jester:

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